Sharing The Gospel
Equipping The Church
Helping The Forgotten
Hope for Hurting Orphans
SGA-supported churches’ ministry teams take the love of Jesus to lonely children living in orphanages in former Soviet nations.
Helping Children Meet Jesus
Girls and boys who come from hardship, poverty and even war hear the Good News thanks to pastors and leaders from SGA-supported churches.
Showing God’s Love
SGA equips churches to reach out with the compassion of Jesus Christ, helping the forgotten regain hope and build a future.
Ministering to the Elderly
Believers from SGA-supported churches offer community and spiritual care that includes the elderly in the body of Christ and lifts up lonely hearts.
Assisting Faithful Pastors
Many of the pastors SGA serves have very little. But we provide assistance for critical, unmet needs as these faithful servants advance the Kingdom.
Equipping the Church
SGA helps sponsored congregations take their mission beyond the church building and reach people who need the Lord in their communities.
Making Christ Known
We support the work of pastors and churches who go, tell and make disciples in remote areas where millions still don’t know Jesus.
Showing God’s Love
SGA’s mission of sharing the Gospel, equipping the church and helping the forgotten goes forth through the churches we serve.
Immanuel’s Child
Your donation will help change lives in former Soviet countries of Eastern Europe and Central Asia.
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