Pray with Us

God Hears Our Prayers

We welcome your prayers on a continuing basis for SGA-supported churches and pastors who are facing urgent needs in the countries we serve. This is the confidence which we have before Him, that, if we ask anything according to His will, He hears us (1 John 5:14).

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Lift Up Pastors and Churches

As you pray for specific requests submitted by SGA-supported pastors below, please pray for God’s provision, protection, and encouragement for these faithful servants and their congregations.

A Ukrainian pastor who received a shipment of SGA-provided aid from Poland is grateful! The faithful servant also thanks the Lord for providing “good land” in his church’s region so they can grow vegetables, fruits, and berries. “We ask that this year we have a good harvest,” he says, “so that people would not be starving and could share with others.” Will you lift up this church and its community now? May God bless their planting efforts and continue to supply for their needs.

I Will Pray For This

“People who come to our volunteer center somehow stopped calling it that, and instead, started calling it a church,” shares SGA Storyteller Angela who serves alongside her husband Val, an SGA-supported pastor in Ukraine. Please pray for them as they lead this vibrant volunteer center turned church. We praise God for their faithful service and commitment to advancing the Gospel.

I Will Pray For This

As SGA-supported Pastor Dima was reminded recently when he traveled to the frontlines to deliver aid, there may be entire villages in Ukraine where only one person has believed in Jesus Christ. “As always, we [shared] the Gospel and support,” he says. “There is no church in this village, and only one woman is a believer.” Please pray that the seed of grace sowed by Dima and his team will grow!

I Will Pray For This

“The situation ins Ukraine remains difficult,” Pastor Igor says. But . . . “the church remains the one that points to imperishable hope, comfort, and helps in every possible way.” We praise God that as a result of distributing emergency aid in his surrounding community during the war, Igor is seeing people who are now sincerely seeking God! Please pray that Igor and his congregation will persevere and be faithful to God’s call. May those who have been touched by this church’s outreach want to hear more and more about the Lord.

I Will Pray For This

A time of war has greatly impacted little children like Andrew in southern Ukraine. The young boy of a family who had to flee their home, Andrew was “anxious and very wary,” Pastor Vasyl’ says. “But the caring attitude of the Christians and the opportunity to help them with food packages helped these children to communicate and become more and more open.” Please pray that little ones like Andrew who have endured the trauma of war will not become hardened . . . but will run to the loving arms of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

I Will Pray For This

This past winter, many displaced Ukrainians—including the elderly and the disabled—were able to survive thanks to the relief supplies they received from SGA-supported congregations. Each time a blanket was given or a hurting soul was welcomed to receive warmth inside a church, the Gospel was clearly shared. Will you pray for those who have been ministered to? May more souls be added to the Kingdom, and may they grow in the grace and knowledge of Christ.

I Will Pray For This

For many Ukrainians who have suffered during the war, it is the loving actions of Christians that first touch their hearts. Iryna, Tatiana, Valentina, and Natalia are four displaced women who have experienced this outpouring, and each has seen what it means to serve God and help others. Let’s pray they will continue to seek a relationship with Jesus, believe in His name, and follow Him.

I Will Pray For This

Please pray for families like Oksana’s who have received emergency aid from SGA-supported churches in Ukraine. After Oksana’s home was damaged due to a nearby missile attack in the ongoing war, she was ministered to by Pastor Dima and his congregation. May Oksana and her family continue to draw closer to the Lord as He ministers to their physical and spiritual needs through the outreach of His people.

I Will Pray For This

Please continue to pray for the people of Ukraine, and for Dima and Vlad and their team as they bring hope and much-needed resources to the people in the southeastern region of Ukraine.

I Will Pray For This

Please continue to pray for the people of Ukraine and for those like Oleg, who is faithfully working to bring people to Christ.

I Will Pray For This
Pray for Ukraine

War is now raging between Russia and Ukraine. In Ukraine, fathers, husbands, brothers, sons… all men must stay behind to defend their country. And the women, children, and elderly who can escape are fleeing with almost nothing! But getting stuck on roadsides, and with infrastructure damaged or over-used – and even dangerous shelling – they risk death. If they survive the harrowing journey to safety, they must then find shelter. But churches, civic centers, and homes are filling up quickly. Those who stay in Ukraine will surely suffer the most, and the impact on children will be unthinkable. Ukrainians need our urgent, intercessory prayers, and our physical help.

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