Pray With Us

Much Prayer Much Power

Prayer can help you overcome anything

Learn How You Can Pray with True Power

The founder of Slavic Gospel Association (SGA), Peter Deyneka, experienced the power of prayer in his life and ministry, seeing millions of Bibles delivered behind the Iron Curtain. His inspirational book, Much Prayer Much Power, will help you learn how to overcome anything through prayer too!

Download the free eBook, Much Prayer Much Power.

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90 Years of Sharing the Gospel, Equipping the Church, and Helping the Forgotten

For decades SGA’s (Slavic Gospel Association) ministry has reached across 8.5 million square miles of former Soviet Union nations to help share the Gospel, equip the church, and help the forgotten. Because of the prayer support, kindness, and financial generosity of many Christians, SGA-supported missionary pastors are able to proclaim the Good News of Jesus Christ.

God Is Answering Prayers Through SGA’s Ministry

The power of prayer is one of the greatest blessings we see among SGA’s outreach in former Soviet nations. God is truly changing the lives of desperate and hopeless women, men, and children through the ministry of SGA-supported missionary pastors and SGA-supported churches.

Here are examples of answered prayer:

  • In Russia, an 11-year-old boy named Vanya searched for the peace that only Christ can give. When a team of volunteers from an SGA-supported church came to visit Vanya’s orphanage, there was no doubt that God had already been working. The boy heard a lesson about the peace of Christ, and he had an immediate desire to turn to the Lord! Vanya then asked for prayer with the volunteers. When they returned two weeks later to minister again, the boy was waiting for them. He asked the leaders to pray with him before the lesson, and after the lesson he prayed a prayer of faith and repentance!
  • Dmitri had been brought into slavery as a farm worker, but he was found and freed. When Dmitri’s sister Alina asked SGA-supported Pastor Vycheslav to help her find her enslaved brother in a remote region of Russia, Vycheslav agreed and took his son Daniel with him to help. They prayed together before travelling to find Dmitri, and once there they met with local authorities for help. In just 30 minutes, the policemen went to the farm where they believed Dmitri was, found him, and returned with him to unite him with Alina!
  • The Lord opened doors for ministry to Valery through a church-based rehabilitation center. Valery committed a crime while under the influence of drugs. When the court sentenced him to 80 hours of correctional labor, believers in Valery’s town encouraged him to attend a rehabilitation center led by SGA-supported Pastor Ivan. The town’s administrative officials agreed that Ivan could complete his service at the center. “I cautioned Valery that if his desire to change his life is genuine, then God would bless his stay in the center,” Ivan remembers. Ivan’s son Ruvim, who works with his father, prayed and then went with Valery to complete the paperwork with the administrative officials. Since Valery has been at the center, his life has greatly transformed! “Valery did not expect such a turn in his life,” Ivan adds. “God’s answer to prayer was so evident!”