230426 Sga Ukraine War Stories 4 21 Social Post 2 Wordpress Preview 460x460 V1
May 18, 2023
Ukraine Relief
Editor’s Note: The images and report below were provided by an SGA-supported pastor in Ukraine.

SGA-supported pastors like Viktor are grateful to know that we care, that we pray for him and stand with him and his congregation — no matter how difficult ministry becomes in Ukraine. What you will see in his report below is amazing, fruitful and faithful work unto the Lord that presses on even in the face of danger. 

Read more from Viktor . . .


Let me share with you a little more about our ministry. The war has brought a lot of grief to Ukrainian cities and villages. The church does not stand aside. People’s grief is our grief. We have been collecting humanitarian food aid wherever we were able. With God’s help, we were successful. We were visiting homes with large families, IDPs [internally displaced persons], the disabled, and the old people, and we brought the Word of God, food packages, blankets, and diapers to each home as a gift. 

The photo shows our trip to the town of Krasnopillya, not far from the Russian border. About an hour before we arrived there, there were five missiles hitting the area. But people were standing there waiting for our help. We held a prayer service and then distributed food packages: we brought 200 packages, and 270 people came. We felt sorry for them, so we promised to come back and bring more food packages. 

Two Sundays later we went to their place again. We came with the church youth, held a service there, distributed 350 food sets, diapers, apples, bread, and 400 people came. Although again this time many people did not have enough food packages, but no one went home empty-handed, we gave everything we had left: bread and apples. 

A month and a half ago, we went to the same place for the third time! For the third time, we were warned not to say when we were coming, because we were being watched. We came secretly, held a service in the House of Prayer, and there was a repentance. In short, it was all by the will of the Lord! Eight kilometers from the Russian border. After the distribution of the humanitarian aid, 50 to 60 people started coming to the House of Prayer, and we have 21 members. Eight people have already repented. Your mission sent a generator to that church, where there is a pastor, Alexei Miroshnichenko. It is very difficult there now, there is constant shelling.

Thank you for your prayers and support!

In a time of great uncertainty, God is bringing help, healing, and hope to the people of Ukraine through SGA-supported pastors, churches, a seminary, and SGA-sponsored Compassion Ministry. Be a part of God’s incredible work with your generosity and prayer support.  

Your gift of compassion helps struggling people with emergency aid that generally includes Scripture materials, food, medicine, warm clothing, and shoes.

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