What a high honor it is for someone to be used by God to reach the souls of men! Believers, those with the hope of Christ, carry a heavy burden for men and women distant from God. That’s why tears were shed in the story below, shared by SGA-supported Pastor Viktor, after a husband and father prayed a prayer of repentance.
Let’s pray for Viktor as he continues to minister to those he visits in Belarus. Read more from his recent ministry letter . . .
Dear Church, beloved brothers and sisters in Christ Jesus,
Peace be with you! Such a wonderful greeting — “Peace be with you” — once sounded from the lips of our Lord (Luke 24:36). How much we miss that peace now in Ukraine, Russia, and Belarus, as well as in our unhumble hearts. And in this very turbulent time, I say, peace to you, peace to your home, your family, peace to your church, peace to your country!
I would like to introduce you to one person. As part of my church responsibilities, I must visit members of the church at their homes. While visiting a sister for communion about six months ago, I met her husband, Nikolai, who is 72 years old. After another stroke, Nikolai was paralyzed on the left side of his body, and he has been in that condition for four years. When I visited his wife with communion, I always tried to take time for Nikolai, sharing with him the love of God in Jesus Christ. I was looking forward to my next meeting with Nikolai because the Lord had put it on my heart to call him to repentance.
When I told his wife and daughter about it, they were hesitant, for Nikolai was an opponent of God. But in the end, he prayed a prayer of repentance, which moved his wife and daughter to tears. I thank my Lord for using me to gain souls for Christ. I don’t know how much life the Lord has measured out for Nikolay and I pray that he will take over his heart completely and that the Lord will use me further in this.
With love and prayer for you,
Pastor Viktor