Editor’s Note: An SGA Storyteller in Central Asia provides the following story.
Sometimes it is difficult to understand why people go through various trials. It pains us to watch families in desperate situations. But God, in all of His goodness and lovingkindness turns “hopeless starts” to a “victory crown.” Each one of us is born into a physical family, and most of us later start a family of our own.
Regretfully, through the choices of others, families dissolve due to the sins of a loved one or both parents. This leads to brokenness, and ultimately hopelessness. Sometimes through difficult circumstances in the family, children are even placed into an adoptive or foster family. But God can take even a broken family and make it new.
In the story below, SGA Storyteller Diana shares with us about Olga, who was left with no hope after running from an abusive relationship. Through Diana and her husband, and a very loving church family, Olga and her family were taken in and cared for in a way that modeled the lasting love of the “family of God.” It was through these people that Olga was taught a new way to live. A new way to love and to be loved. “Anyone who knew the beginning of Olga’s story could not believe this miracle. A miracle of recovery for she and her children. And as a gift—a large and friendly family. Only our God could do this! We invite you to celebrate her victory with Olga!”
Olga’s victory was God’s provision. He sent His family to her in order that she would be restored. But He didn’t stop there! He blessed Olga and her children with a new, godly husband and father, who even had children of his own. What began as sorrow and pain, is now a great and glorious joy that only God could provide. Even when we don’t understand the hardship, God has purpose. The victory is His, through His people.
Olga is 39 years old and lives in a small village about 30 minutes from us. This is a story of a “hopeless start” leading to a “victory crown.”Olga is 39 years old and lives in a small village about 30 minutes from us. This is a story of a “hopeless start” leading to a “victory crown.”
Olga has three children. She was married for 13 years and was in an abusive relationship for 12 of those years. A year after their wedding, she found out that her husband was a drug addict. He kept her at bay all these years. During this time, three children were born. It was hell on earth. He never gave her money. Even for personal hygiene items. She often asked neighbors for food to feed her children.
After learning about her situation, we tried to help her and the children with all available resources. One night, when he kicked her out of the house and took a knife to kill the children, she decided to call us. We had already heard about her situation and had always offered to help, but she lived in great fear and always asked us not to tell anyone. We appreciated her trust and continued to help her and her children where we could. We prayed a lot together. Her children began attending church services. That night we managed to save the children. She managed to take refuge in her parents’ house. We informed her husband that Olga and the children are now in a safe place. She understood that this was the point of no return. We suggested that she move to a neighboring village and pick up her children from school. This was the only way to avoid meeting her abusive husband. It was a difficult time for her. But at the same time, she was closer than ever to God. Her children supported her decision to leave the abusive relationship with their father. A new story has begun. Our team has mentored Olga and her children. She found shelter in the church and received so much love and care. Everyone was dressed and fed. Olga underwent several therapeutic programs. Olga’s children received healing from traumas after seeing the restoration of their mother and the care of believers.
Two years later, Olga married a Christian who raised two children alone. Alex (Diana’s husband) held numerous meetings with them to prepare for marriage, help them adopt and to be better prepared to raise all of the children. It was deep and hard work. A lot of strength and resources. As a result, a beautiful wedding in the church and many, many tears of joy.
Now Olga, her husband and five children live together in a neighboring town and go to the local church. They are devoted servants and help others during difficult times in their marriage. The children became very friendly with each other. His children are happy to have a mother for whom they have been praying for many years. Her children received a loving and cheerful friend.
Anyone who knew the beginning of Olga’s story could not believe this miracle. A miracle of recovery for her and her children. And as a gift—a large and friendly family. Only our God could do this! We invite you to celebrate her victory with Olga!
The Bible reminds us in Ecclesiastes 7:8, “The end of a thing is better than the beginning.” The following is a short message from Olga:
“To everyone who reads my story. I am not shy about sharing my past to glorify God in the present. When I was at my lowest point and thinking about suicide, God found me through people of faith. He extended His arms of love, fed us, clothed us, and placed us in a safe place—His church. I now have a large family of loving brothers and sisters.
It was here I went through my journey of recovery and received the title of “daughter of the King.” While I was cared for by loving Pastor Alex and his wife Diana, they took full care of my children. My eldest son Nikita was going through a teenage crisis period. They paid for his guitar lessons by providing him with a worship service at the church. Now my son is part of a large worship team for churches in Almaty. I can’t imagine where he would be now if we had not found ourselves under the care of this pastoral family. I was in a fog for those two years of recovery.
My older daughter was able to graduate from high school and went to college to become an elementary school teacher. She continues to attend church in our village and has been blessed to be engaged to a guy who is being mentored by Pastor Alex as a part of a team of young missionary workers.
I will never forget the day when salvation came to my family. My children and I thank God every day for a new life with Him! I am happy to see all my children and my youngest daughter praising the Father in church and building their lives on a biblical basis.
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