Editor’s Note: The images below were sent by an SGA-supported pastor in Ukraine.
We bring this report to help fuel your prayers as the assault on human life continues in Ukraine. Pastor Ruslan shares how the Gospel is being lifted up in these uncertain times.
Dear friends in the Lord!
We are constantly thankful to our Heavenly Father for your ministry to our people, who continue to suffer from the horrors of war. Our church is directly involved in the distribution of food packages, and the Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs) feel at home. First of all, we try to bring the Word of God to them, sing Christian songs for them together with our church children, pray for all the victims and believe that the Lord has brought everyone to our church according to His sovereign plan. We also distribute clothes, which are brought to the church by all local residents, and then they also get food aid from SGA. May the Lord be glorified through everything! Please take a moment to read the following testimonies:
Liuba came from Kharkiv. When the shelling and explosions began on the first day of the war, she thought it was fireworks, firecrackers, or someone celebrating their birthday. But everything was much more terrifying and scary. A real war had begun. Kharkiv was bombed from all sides. They managed to escape from there under fire and explosions. It was a long and difficult journey, because there were traffic jams in all directions. She and her husband were taken to Mykolaiv, where they lived for 6 months with their in-laws. It has been more than a year since they moved to the Vinnytsia region and now live there. They rent an apartment and several people live in the same apartment. They learned about the church from fellow IDPs like them and started attending church services.
In childhood, Liuba went to the Orthodox Church with her grandmother, when she was a little girl and could still attend. But older girls and boys were not allowed to go to church, they were kicked out. This was a strict prohibition during the Soviet communist regime. Therefore, she remembers the time she spent with her grandmother in the church very well. This is the first time she has been to a Baptist church, and she is very grateful to everyone who cares not only about physical bread for them, providing food, but also cares about the spiritual condition of each person. She realizes that God is the only meaning for the life of every unbeliever!
A couple from Kostiantynivka in the Donetsk region. They were living under fire becausethey had no more strength to endure all that horror! A year ago, the couple came to the Vinnytsia region. In Donetsk, they lost everything, everything was destroyed, everything they had was ruined, everything became like ash. They were left homeless. But the church is now taking care of them, and this is a good testimony that the world cannot give them anything, cannot care as much as the children of God do. Vasyl himself quotes a verse from the Holy Scriptures: “I was naked, and you clothed me; I was sick, and you visited me” (Matthew 25:36). Thanks to the church and the pastors, the couple is grateful that God led them to the Baptist church, where they first heard about Christ and salvation through faith in Christ. There is a wonderful atmosphere, peace, and good relationships among believers in the church, and they are happy to come to communicate, share, seek support, and pray together. It is indeed God’s Spirit and His love that fill and guide them through the terrible circumstances in the country.
Two women, Olena and Hanna, and their husbands came from the Kherson region. They had been under occupation for almost a year. They were waiting for their soldiers to release them all. They managed to spend the New Year’s Eve in the basement of their house. After the liberation, the shelling continued and it was extremely difficult to stay and live in those conditions. The family decided to flee in a car with only two seats, and there were four of them, plus cats and dogs. They drove away by standing in the car. They were worried whether they would let us through the checkpoints. They did not know where to go, where to find a place to stay. One family offered them an old house from the 30s. But later that old house was sold and the family moved to another place in the Vinnitsia region. Wherever they go, wherever they wander, they realize that someone from above is helping them and thank the church and God that there is light at the end of the tunnel despite the difficult living conditions. And this Light is God!
An old woman named Ninax came from Kharkiv. In March, she arrived in the Vinnytsia region. Her husband died. She lives by herself. She is very sick, but at the same time she thanks all the Christian believers who care about her during the war. She often cannot come to church because of her poor physical condition. Some of her relatives help her a little bit, they can bring her to church. But first of all, Nina is grateful to God and people who do their best to help the weak, sick, hurt, and lonely. Also, in times of war in the country, she finds the strength to rejoice and enjoy every new day she lives.
In a time of great uncertainty, God is bringing help, healing, and hope to the people of Ukraine through SGA-supported pastors, churches, a seminary, and SGA-supported Compassion Ministry. Be a part of God’s incredible work with your generosity and prayer support.
Your gift of compassion helps struggling people with emergency aid that generally includes Scripture materials, food, medicine, warm clothing, and shoes.
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