Aug 22, 2022

Editor’s Note: The images below were provided by an SGA-supported pastor in Ukraine.

Although the media is mostly silent these days, those still located in Eastern Ukraine continue to suffer. But God’s people are persevering in delivering the Good News and emergency humanitarian aid. Here is a recent report from an SGA-supported pastor serving with his congregation . . .

“My team and I went to a village which is located in the war zone . . . We brought 250 food kits, 200 first aid kits, 500 loaves of bread, and 200 hygiene kits. As we always do in the beginning, there was a sermon and a prayer for an end to war and that our salvation is only in Jesus Christ. Now people are responding very strongly to the sermon and spiritual things, as they understand that the danger is very close, there are always wounded and killed from their village or from the villages nearby.”

Praise God for His work through your prayers and financial support that equips faithful congregations to serve in Ukraine! Please keep this church and all Ukrainians in your prayers as the war continues.

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