Editor’s Note: The images below were provided by an SGA-supported church in Ukraine.
Recently, we received a report from a pastor who is working with another pastor helping anywhere from 10-100 refugees every day. The congregation is bringing hope to those without hope. “There are great emotions over the immense suffering we see,” he told us. “It’s easy to get caught up in trying to address the question of why, to desire to hold people accountable and want to take action. But for the person suffering with no hope in this world, they only care that someone, somehow, brings them hope. By God’s grace, that is what we are doing in serving.” As you read the report below, please know how grateful we are for your ongoing support. Because of your giving, there are SGA-sponsored pastors and churchworkers in Ukraine and the surrounding countries who are striving daily to meet people in their deep suffering with a message of hope—a hope found only in the Gospel…
“During the invasion of Ukraine, we have seen great human suffering. People have lost everything and more than a third of the country is displaced. We have grieved over the loss of life and especially the suffering of children. Watching the suffering around us invokes many emotions in our hearts. People assign blame, they shake their fists, and argue the details. But for the suffering, the only thing on their mind is an answer to the question, ‘Is there any hope for me?’ The focus of the churches is in seeking to answer this question for those they encounter. Along the border of Russia, the churches there are aware of the devastation and are brokenhearted as well. For those close to the border of Ukraine, it has been overwhelming. Yet, just as with the churches in Ukraine, their focus in the midst of these storms is to see an ever-increasing number of hurting souls turn to Christ in saving grace, to find hope when all around them seems hopeless.
“Peter is a pastor we know of. Not only has he seen the suffering, but his region has also suffered through shelling. He has seen the hopelessness in the eyes of many. He shares, ‘Our life is now under the threat of storms, as a peaceful life is in the past, and the time of trials has arrived, and shows on all of us. We collect humanitarian aid and take it to the places where refugees stay. As many as 100 people come here daily. Several members of the church and helpers from the region give out aid to refugees. The attitude of people differs. Some thank, and some curse everything, as they lost their property, and their usual way of life has gone. We also help our town in Ukraine. We help people there with medicine and food. We reach wounded people in the hospital and help nurses to take care of sick people. Three Christian sisters from a nearby church serve people there. A team of believers visits the place where wounded elderly people stay who were evacuated from Ukraine. We buy food and medicine for them. We bought a walking aid and a wheelchair for them. We give them fruit and sweets every time we visit them.’ Simply, wherever people can be found who are without hope, God sends His workers into the harvest with His love and His message of hope though Jesus Christ.
“Pastor Peter and his church see the pain, they hear the anger, and they point people to Jesus. Peter said, ‘Certainly, it makes our situation in life difficult. We also raise additional funds in our own churches. But we are happy to use this ministry for the glory of God. There are people who repented and received the Lord as their Savior!’ People in the midst of hopelessness are turning to Christ in saving faith. May we, also have that same heart, for this world is not our home. May we, also, as strangers and aliens minister as ambassadors of Christ wherever we are and in whatever circumstances we are in.”
In a time of great uncertainty, God is bringing help, healing, and hope to the people of Ukraine through SGA-supported pastors, churches, a seminary, and SGA-sponsored Compassion Ministry. Be a part of God’s incredible work with your generosity and prayer support.
Your gift of compassion helps struggling people with emergency aid that generally includes Scripture materials, food, medicine, warm clothing, and shoes.