Angelina Korotky is a devoted servant of Christ. Please continually remember her and her family in prayer.
Dear Faithful Prayer Partners,
Warmest greetings in Christ! Thank you so very much for your prayers for Angelina Korotky. God has been answering gloriously.
On December 15, 2016, during a heavy rain, the car Angelina was riding in was struck by another vehicle that impacted directly where she sat in the passenger seat. She stopped breathing. Her pulse could not be felt. For several days she was in coma. She broke several ribs, her collarbone, and her pelvis was completely crushed. Her liver and lungs were injured. She had a severe brain injury. She couldn’t talk and her left side was paralyzed. She was treated in three different hospitals, twice in intensive care units. She went through a very major pelvis correction surgery, and developed double vision.
But, as SGA founder Peter Deyneka often said, “Much prayer much power!”
This past Saturday her resident rehabilitation therapy was concluded and she was able to join her parents in the temporary home provided by Grace Community Church. On Sunday, Angelina rode her wheelchair to church and talked to Dr. John MacArthur. Afterward she attended the Russian language Bible Study. Because of the extensive pelvis surgery, several more weeks of healing must take place before she can stand and learn to walk again.
Lord willing, this Thursday evening I will be there to take Angelina and her parents out to eat at a local restaurant. In the meantime, please keep Angelina in your prayers until she is fully healed. Her left leg is regaining strength but her left arm not so much, and she still is battling double vision.
Thanks in advance for your continuing prayer for this faithful young servant of Christ.
Bob Provost
SGA President