Our youth have been very busy making ministry visits over the past several months. It began late this past December as our Youth-IN-Ministry team visited unbelieving families at their homes and sang Christian songs. People opened their doors and were amazed to see these young people wishing them a Merry Christmas and reminding them about the Lord Jesus Christ on His birthday. The youth also invited these families to our Christmas service in the church.
Then in early January, we invited all of those who used to attend our Sunday school but had stopped. Praise the Lord, we had a lot of people who responded! It was a good opportunity to share with other young people who often heard the Gospel presented at Sunday school, but have yet to come to saving faith in Christ! Please pray with us for these young adults and their repentance.
Next, the youth traveled for orphanage ministry. We divided into two teams and visited two orphanages in one evening. We shared the Gospel of Jesus Christ and His birth in our hearts. I make the visits to the orphanage each month, and the youth had been somewhat reluctant because of the very hard atmosphere at one of the orphanages. But at the second orphanage, the residents surprised our youth team with a very warm welcome. They listened carefully to our program, and expressed their thanks for the visit.
In mid January, we traveled to another village to sing carols one evening. We went house-to-house as we sang, and invited people to the church. Our goal as always is to sow Gospel seeds, and to trust in God who causes the growth (1 Corinthians 3:6). We give Him all the glory and praise! Please pray with us for many to come to the Lord in saving faith as a result of these outreaches.