Editor’s Note: The images and report below were provided by an SGA-supported pastor and college professor.
SGA-supported Pastor Oleg, who also teaches at Bible college recently shared how his students are not just studying in classes . . . but going out and preaching the Gospel as they help Ukrainians impacted by the war.
Please pray that God’s hand will be on these students and Pastor Oleg. Here is an excerpt from his report . . .
Several of our students are involved in ministry in Ukraine, where they help people deprived of housing, food, medicines, and so on. We are also raising money to help people during this difficult time.
Several of my students served among the refugees in Germany. Student Tanya sent this photo from Germany, showing their labor of love among the refugees. Thank God that despite the terrible war, Germany accepts people who have lost everything in their homeland.
This picture was sent by my student Yuri, who works a lot among refugees in different countries of Europe and those who remained in Ukraine. In one of the Ukrainian cities in the basement during the shelling, the brothers gathered for prayer, where they pray for God’s protection and mercy.
For a long time, there was no bread in a village in Ukraine, where my wife’s brother, a pastor whose name is Sergei, is engaged in ministry in a rural community. The village is located in [an occupied region]. Sergei managed to buy this bread somewhere to help people in the church a little.
SGA sent money to Pastor Sergei to buy food and help people, both believers and non-believers. If in the first half of the war there was practically no food in the village, now people can get something. This young woman and her three children (two of them in this photo) live in this Ukrainian village where my wife’s brother is a pastor. This family is very poor. The husband of this woman is trying to look for work somewhere, but since the village is now under occupation, it is very difficult to find a job. This woman occasionally came with her children to church for a Sunday school. And now, together with food, the Gospel of Jesus Christ is returning to their family, because with food help the pastor brings Christian literature and good news about Christ.
Another person in the village received a package of food.
This photo is interesting in that this woman, who received food from believers, was the first teacher of my wife Svetlana for the first 10 years of schooling. She had mocked my wife laughed at her faith, and the fact that she goes to church and reads the Bible. She forbade classmates to communicate with my wife, planted her along with the bad students themselves in order to humiliate her despite the fact that my wife graduated from school with excellent marks . . . my wife, as the pastor’s daughter, suffered a lot at school from such teachers and classmates. But now the heart of this teacher is changing, and she is beginning to understand that believers bring God’s love, which does not exist in this evil world.
Thus, our students, along with us, with SGA and you, those who pray for our ministry and support us, learn and engage in ministry.
May our Lord Jesus Christ bless you for your ministry.
Pastor Oleg
In a time of great uncertainty, God is bringing help, healing, and hope to the people of Ukraine through SGA-supported pastors, churches, a seminary, and SGA-sponsored Compassion Ministry. Be a part of God’s incredible work with your generosity and prayer support.
Your gift of compassion helps struggling people with emergency aid that generally includes Scripture materials, food, medicine, warm clothing, and shoes.