Mar 02, 2017
CIS In the News

Poll: One in Three Russians Believes in Witchcraft

A recent ITAR-TASS news agency article cited a poll showing 1/3 of Russians believe that some people “are capable of casting spells or an evil eye.” The poll was conducted by the All Russia Public Opinion Research Center in the fall. Drilling down deeper into beliefs, the poll also showed that the bulk of younger people aged 18 to 24 are not inclined to believe in sorcery. Spokesman Ivan Lekontsev said, “Although a relative majority of Russians say they don’t believe in witchcraft, nevertheless many are familiar with at least stereotyped and mythological views of it. The poll was conducted among 1,600 people with a 2.5 percent margin of error. Up to 18 percent of Russians do not identify with any spiritual belief or faith group. 

With at least 130 people groups across Russia, local beliefs include animism and shamanism in some regions. Polls such as this reinforce the urgency of advancing the Gospel to all of Russia—and confirming SGA’s Reach Russia Now initiative. Please join us in praying for God’s continued wisdom, direction, and provision in serving Bible-preaching churches.

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