Mar 29, 2017
CIS In the News

Living Standards Fall Sharply in Russia

A few months ago, the internationally known Swiss financial corporation Credit Suisse reported that the living standards of Russians had fallen a jaw-dropping 14 percent in the space of just one year—mid 2015 to mid 2016. The survey is called the Global Wealth Report, and charts factors such as the average income of households. High oil prices between 2000 and 2007 increased Russians’ prosperity eight-fold, but then growth slowed down and then began declining.
This is a complicated issue with various factors specific to the Russian economy that might not have been taken into full account, however we know first hand from missionary pastors and church families that making ends meet in today’s Russia can be very difficult. This makes SGA-sponsored Compassion Ministry and other humanitarian aid outreaches all the more important as we help evangelical churches reach needy families with food and, as always, the life-changing Gospel. Please keep praying for God’s ongoing provision.

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