A recent Deutsche Welle report highlighted the serious concerns that exist in Russia’s Caucasus region over recruiting by the radical Islamic militant group ISIS. While Russia is not the only nation in Europe and Asia with these concerns, a significant number of young people have reportedly left the Chechnya region to join the terrorists. Official numbers say up to 800 adult Chechens are fighting for ISIS, but the real total may be much higher. A spokeswoman for the Russian Institute for Strategic Studies in Moscow said several factors help push young men into the group—high unemployment, social dissatisfaction, and unfulfilled hopes.
This troubling report underscores the importance of SGA’s support of Russian evangelical churches in this difficult region where so much blood has been spilled. The faithful missionary pastors we serve discreetly minister to young men and women, sharing the true and abundant hope of the Gospel, and not the false hope of a false religion. Please remember to pray for their safety, asking God to draw many to Himself in saving faith.