In 2007, popular Christian author Dr. Mark Dever published The Gospel and Personal Evangelism, a very helpful guide in learning how to share one’s faith with friends and neighbors. SGA partners helped make a Russian-language translation possible, and one brother wrote to tell us about how it changed the way he thought about witnessing . . .
This book helped structure the Gospel message in my head. This is very good for a new believer as I was. Before, I tried to talk about everything at the same time—the truthfulness of the Scriptures, the greatness of God, apologetics, the church, Baptists, etc. But this blurred the Gospel message itself, which is the most important!
Another recipient wrote . . . This book clarified to me that a Christian’s chief purpose on Earth is to share the Gospel with others. This small, handy book has everything to help understand the necessity of witnessing. I would like every church member to read this book once a year!
As we continue distributing books across Russia, her neighboring countries, and Israel, please pray with us for the greatest Kingdom impact. And know how vital your part is in this vital SGA ministry!