Orphans Reborn in Kazakhstan
Sergei with his father and grandmother.
But He sets the needy securely on high away from affliction,
and makes his families like a flock (Psalm 107:41).
We receive many testimonies and wonderful reports from SGA-sponsored Orphans Reborn workers across the CIS. A recent one told to SGA’s Eric Mock while he was visiting Central Asia was such a tremendous example of God’s power on display that we had to share it with you. It’s the story of a young man named Sergei, and how God worked to reunite him with the family he never knew.
Sergei was born in Kazakhstan’s former capital of Almaty. His mother and father were not married, and his father did not know his girlfriend was pregnant. When Sergei was born, his mother left him at the birthing house. Abandoned from the beginning, Sergei never knew his mother or father, and was alone. In first grade, he met Larissa Zatova, the administrator of the SGA-sponsored Orphans Reborn ministry in Kazakhstan. Through her, Sergei learned about the family of God and about the Lord Jesus. Larissa became like a mom to him, but he was still alone as he grew up. By God’s grace, Sergei came to faith, but was not prepared for life in the world.
Orphans Reborn worker Larissa continues to touch the lives of orphans in Kazakhstan!
Eventually, upon reaching adulthood he was forced to leave the orphanage. Concerned for where he would go, Larissa and Sergei were able to access paperwork about his life. They joined with others in a search for his real parents, and a surprise was awaiting them. They found his father and grandmother—at Larissa’s church! Both were now believers, and Sergei was joyfully introduced to them. By God’s grace, Sergei now has both earthly and heavenly fathers who will never leave him or forsake him!