Jesus sends us to “Go” and share the Good News with others, and that’s exactly what men at rehab centers in Israel are doing. Once held captive to addiction and sin, these men are now being used by God for a beautiful healing ministry, sharing the same message of freedom they received from the Lord! We praise God for friends like you who have helped make their ministry possible.
“Dear friends,
“We recently shared Sergei’s story, who finally beat his alcohol addiction after he was led to an SGA-supported rehab center in Israel. It’s men like Sergei and the ones you see in this photo who are being used by God throughout these centers. Most come from a sinful past life, are redeemed, and are now helping others overcome and live a new life for Christ!
“Seven and a half years ago, Roni and Oleg were ordained as pastors to take care of the congregation and rehab ministry. Over the past year few years, God has raised the two younger leaders to share responsibilities in the ministry. Brothers Oleg, Vova and Sasha are all former drug addicts and fruit of the rehab ministry as well. God set them free and they are now husbands and fathers.
Today, the whole leadership team is active in sharing this same joy with others! Praise God for the men and women who so faithfully minister to those who are fighting the battle within. God, by His grace, uses the lowly for great things. The leadership team continually needs daily wisdom from the Lord. Thank you for keeping the whole team in your prayers.”
-SGA-supported Kristi & Oleg