Michael Johnson and his wife Erin at an Immanuel’s Child Christmas celebration.
Evangelical churches across Russia and her neighboring countries are in the final stages of preparing for their 2018 Christmas outreaches using SGA’s Immanuel’s Child program. Considering God’s blessings last year, we are praying for even more spiritual fruit this year. And you can still be part of the blessing!
Last year, Immanuel’s Child reached more than 25,000 children, with many children and parents repenting. The program gives Children’s Bibles, Christian literature, and connects children with local churches for life-transforming discipleship. And the Star of Bethlehem Ornaments saying “God Loves You!” in Russian—signed by SGA supporters in America—are a highlight. Children keep them year-around, touched to know that someone in America loved them enough to tell them about Jesus and pray for them.
Pastors, children’s and youth workers, and their congregations are thankful for the faithful support you show for the SGA-sponsored Immanuel’s Child ministry. SGA president Michael Johnson and his wife Erin were able to participate in Ukraine last Christmas at Pastor Yaroslav Machinsky’s church, and Yaroslav wrote us recently to sum up the fruit of the ministry that took place while they were there . . .
We praise God for the opportunity we had to conduct two Christmas services—one was at Revival Church December 31 and then in the Chernobyl zone on January 2. We are thankful to SGA for the funds to help purchase Christmas presents for the children. We are especially thankful to Byron Center Bible Church in Michigan for their signed Immanuel’s Child stars that were distributed along with gifts. We were able to bring joy to 200 children who attended the program at our church, as well as for 140 children who live in the Chernobyl zone.
At each program, the children were happy to listen to the Christmas story and receive a Bible along with a Christmas gift. The children from Revival Church invited their friends to the service. It was fun! In the Chernobyl zone, God has been blessing the planting of new churches in that region. I began ministry there in 2006 and the first church was in Mlachevka. We are thrilled with the missionary vision of the sister church we planted there, and they have now begun a new ministry in the village of Lugoviki. We are thankful for the Immanuel’s Child outreaches you helped us hold in those villages.
Michael and Erin visited the Prolesok orphanage in Vovchkiv, whichh today is a temporary shelter for children from disadvantaged families. There were not many children in Vovchkiv on Christmas, but I was so impressed by God’s providence. Thanks to all SGA partners for the Immanuel’s Child stars and for their concern. We believe that the ministry has been performed for the glory of Jesus Christ.
Please begin praying now for the upcoming Christmas season and the Immanuel’s Child outreaches that are being planned. If you or your church would like to participate in this year’s program, it’s not too late! Contact SGA at 1-800-BIBLE-50 and ask for Sandy Tallacksen. You can help reach thousands of needy children with the love of Jesus Christ and the life-changing Gospel this Christmas!
Children treasure the Star of Bethlehem Ornaments signed by Americans—ornaments
that say, “God Loves You!” in Russian and open hearts to the Gospel and discipleship.