Irina Orlova
Orphans Reborn Team in St. Petersburg, Russia
We visit three orphanages on a regular basis. About a year ago, a young man named Alexei came to our church and got acquainted with Ludmila on our team. At first, Alexei attended the church rarely, telling us it was because of his studies. Yet because he was living at the school, he was allowed to leave the facility. We happened to know that he was an orphan. Then we saw Alexei in a navy uniform, so we could guess where he was studying.
In general, this young man behaved quite secretively and hardly talked about himself, which is a typical behavior for orphan children. In order to be allowed to leave the school more often, Alexei had improved his grades. Gradually, he started showing up at the church every Sunday, communicating with us and having talks with the pastors. Then six months later, he repented. Alexei is now a different person, changed completely and loving God with all his heart!
At college, Alexei is a leader, a bold and committed person. He started sharing about the Lord with his peers, many of whom have responded to the Gospel. Then Alexei approached the headmaster of the school to ask permission to set up a Bible study group. To our great surprise, the headmaster gave his permission!
At first, the group was attended by six young people, then eight, and now 14 students who come regularly.
We realized that Alexei needs to grow spiritually, and we began meeting with him three times a week, or even more often, to help him prepare for the Bible study group. He and those who attend the group read from the Gospels together, then he leads them through verse by verse, covering the studied passage. Before the group meeting, we go through every topic with him. The Lord opens up the truths to him, and he deeply understands the Scriptures.
Recently, two brothers came to the Bible study and told Alexei that they are from a Christian home but were not ready to openly confess it at the school in fear of being mocked. But when the two brothers saw Alexei boldly sharing about the Lord, they were encouraged and decided to openly join the Bible group!
Alexei is a true orphan with no family at all. We help him when we can, buying clothing and providing food. He is almost 19, and is graduating in June, and we continue helping him with preparing for the Bible study group that he leads. We do not know how it is going to be after he graduates. We are thankful to the Lord for everything that He presently provides. Please continue to pray for him, and for us as we keep reaching out to these young people with the love of Christ!