Andrei Kalinin
SGA-Sponsored Missionary Pastor in Ukraine
For in Him we live and move and have our being (Acts 17:28). This verse from Acts has been an important motto for our church ministry team as 2021 began and remains so. It is our mighty God who motivates us to serve others, and He enabled us to help 10 families with 17 adults and 19 children. Six people repented and trusted in Christ as Savior—God’s grace observed in an amazing way!
Katerina’s family lives in the village of Lozovatka. She is the mother of three children. Her husband Oleg works hard and is rarely at home. We have been praying for this family for months. In the midst of the protracted pandemic, the family has experienced significant financial difficulties, and the food packages you helped provide were a great support for them. Katerina (Katya for short) repented and trusted in Christ, and Oleg has changed his opinion about Christians and the Gospel. Katya is reading the Bible, asking many questions, and is concerned about the future of her family. We continue to care for them and share the Gospel in both word and deed.
Denis is a 30-year-old man with two children, Andrei (age 6) and Angelina (age 3). We had been contacted by the Novensky Village Council about the needs of his family. Several years ago, Denis’ wife left him and the children behind and moved to another city. She does not have any contact with them at all. Denis does not have a permanent job and has health problems. He is thankful for the food aid we provided, and both he and his children have attended our church services several times. He even asked for time to say a few words at church to express his gratitude to us, and to God. Praise the Lord!
Marina’s family is another one that we visit. She is the mother of three daughters aged 9-16. Her husband Gena has to travel to a neighboring village to work and we rarely see him. Marina, like other residents of Lozovatka, is happy to come to our worship services. During our Christmas evangelism, Marina responded to the Lord’s call and repented. She now reads the Bible and other Christian literature. She said, “I have realized that the Lord never turns away from His children, He is near. I learned to pray and build relationships with people as it is written in God’s Word to love, forgive, and accept others as they are. I feel much better now!”
We praise and thank our God for you, your dedication, your prayers, and financial help. Praise God that through Compassion Ministry, we can proclaim the Gospel to those who are perishing. May God bless you!