230608 Sga 2023 Sga.org Stories 6 05 Social Post 1 Wordpress Preview 460x460 V1
Editor’s Note: The testimony and image below were provided by an SGA-supported pregnancy center in Russia.
Gods Plans Are Greater Than Our Own

In the story below, you will see how God is using the pregnancy center in Khabarovsk to save lives, save children from life within an orphanage and to save broken familiesYou will read of a baby saved from abortion, an abandoned baby who is now reunited and living with her mother and a couple who was on the verge of destruction—now desiring to begin a church in their own home.

God’s plans are so much greater than our own!  These individuals were each heavy-laden, walking down a path that leads to death, but God shined His light and changed their direction with hope. We are so very thankful for the women who faithfully share this hope with the ladies who walk through the doors of this SGA-supported pregnancy center. Although always ready to meet their physical needs, pregnancy center staff members are most ready to share the Good News of Christ!  

Dear co-workers and friends,

We would like to share with you the fruit of our ministry and narrate about events that took place in the first quarter of 2023. First and utmost, we would like to heartily thank you for your prayers and financial assistance! God is good, providing us opportunities to participate in the life of children, changing their situation and giving them hope.

In the first three months of 2023, we celebrated an event that has become a milestone for us, the 10th anniversary of our organization “No Children Left Behind.” The Lord was keeping us and sending His blessings during all these 10 years. Glory be to Him alone, for everything that was accomplished was by His mercy and grace! God willing, we will continue our ministry, and we believe we will be able to help not only the children of Khabarovsk, but reach out to the entire Far East

In total, eight sessions of parenting school were held during the first quarter of 2023, attended by 57 families with 90 children. Under the program called Temporary Home, nine children from seven families were taken care of. These supervision services help children, in hopes that they will not  end up in an orphanage, even on a temporary basis, as sometimes their parents urgently need to go for a trip or undergo treatment in a hospital. We place children in homes of trained Christians, and this eventually exercises good influence not only on children, but also on children’s parents. We have seen that often families make friends and go to church together.

During the first quarter of 2023, eight families lived in the Crisis Center called Time for Change, namely, eight mothers and 13 children. One of the former residents of the center kept long contact with our staff worker Marina. The girl is an orphan, and when she was pregnant with her second child, she considered an abortion. The wisdom and biblical instructions of Marina helped the girl to keep her child. Another resident of the center abandoned her newborn child at the maternity house. For three months, we were praying and helping the mother to become aware of her wrong decision. And already in May, she took the child from the Child House and they both stay in our Crisis Center! Thank God for making such a wonder!

Below is one of the situations that we face every day, however, they give us strength to carry on. We hope that this story will also prompt you to praise our Lord…

This family came to us about a year ago—a father, a mother, and their two little children who were in bad want, as both of the parents had lost their jobs and got into serious financial debt. This resulted in quarreling and fighting between the couple. Luba, the mother, came to us. She was in tears and told us that they have nothing to eat, their marriage was on the verge of divorce, and she did not know how to carry on. We started helping the family, providing them with legal and counseling assistance, groceries, clothes, and other types of support, which helped the family to get a sigh of relief for at least of some of their issues. We were hoping this would be the beginning of their recovery. We shared with Luba about Jesus, and before long, she accepted Him as her Savior. However, her husband would reject God and our help for quite a while. But gradually the Lord softened his heart, and he started coming to parenting school classes and communicated with our staff workers much to our mutual delight. The family eventually has overcome the crisis, as the couple stayed together; their debts are almost paid off, they both have jobs, and raise their children in love. And now, almost six months later, they no longer require our overall support.

The family invited one of our workers, Irina, to their home. Irina and her husband, Evgeniy, came to visit and were welcomed with joy. Luba and her husband shared that they wanted to set up a home church in their house, hosted by their family! There are no evangelical churches in the village where they live, and the family has come with the idea of starting a ministry in their home. Great is the mercy of the Lord! We praise God for changing the hearts of these people.

We believe that these families will be the beginning of a new generation—a generation of people living for God. All glory be to Him!

Thank you, dear friends, for your prayers and for all your support! May God bless you!

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