What God is doing in the former USSR to change lives—and that we get to be a part of it—never ceases to amaze me.
This month’s Good News Report contains stunning accounts from the Orphans Reborn ministry, which you know is very near and dear to my heart. Orphans have come to know the Lord as Savior, and as adults have joined the Orphans Reborn teams themselves to reach other orphans. And now there is the story of Sonya—a young orphan girl who has been given great joy through new life in Jesus. Now this special young lady is witnessing and having an impact with other orphan children while still in the orphanage school! Isn’t God amazing?
Each of the stories you read in our newsletter, pray about in Prayer & Praise, receive via one of our email subscriptions, or hear me talk about in occasional media interviews—each of them are tied to you in a very direct way. You helped us gather the resources to send overseas to the churches, church teams, and missionary pastors. You helped support the evangelical seminaries and Bible institutes that have trained thousands of workers to go forth with the Gospel. You helped provide the Bibles and Christian literature in the Russian-language that have made eternal impact for generations. And all for the glory of our Lord and Savior who made it possible with His great love and sovereign hand.
I just got back not long ago from a visit to Russia and Ukraine after not having been over for some time due to the COVID-19 pandemic. It was a special joy to be with the brothers and sisters again, and to hear new reports of what God is doing. I look forward to sharing some of these great stories with you in the months ahead. Thank you for your faithfulness!
For our Savior,
Michael Johnson