An urgent prayer request was recently sent regarding an SGA-supported pastor and his church in a region of our world that is increasingly hostile to the spread of the Gospel. For security reasons, we cannot share his name with you. But we ask you to lift up this faithful servant and his church members in their time of trial.
We trust that the Lord will make a way for this body of believers to continue going out to the people with the hope of Jesus, food packages, and other relief supplies—through programs like SGA-supported Compassion Ministry.
God guides our brothers and sisters in Christ even in the harshest of times of persecution. May they experience the joy of serving Him as they reach out to their community to meet physical and spiritual needs and see lives eternally transformed by His grace.
From Central Asia . . .
We ask you to pray for our church.
On Sunday, law enforcement agencies (including security forces) came during the church meeting. They started filming, interrogating, and conducting a search.
Pastor N and one minister were taken to the department and began to be interrogated. Church members were kept in the church and also interrogated. Now they are checking the bank accounts of ministers, and checking for cooperation with foreigners is also underway. During the inspection, literature was seized from the church and home. Printing and recording equipment and laptops were also found and seized. All interrogations were accompanied by insults and threats.
The pastor of the church is now in serious condition. His physical condition was already weakened due to illness, and after serious stress, he experiences physical weakness and despondency.
This is a very serious matter and we don’t know how it will end. Please pray for the pastor, his family and the church. Pray that the Lord will give them enough strength and grace to get through this test.