Great stories of salvation are still being witnessed, even in these most difficult times in Ukraine. Sometimes God uses our trials to bring our loved ones to Himself, and we are thankful for the SGA-supported pastors who so faithfully continue to visit those in need of hearing the Gospel. Through SGA-supported Compassion Ministry — made possible thanks to the generous gifts of friends like you — these servants of God come with food for the body, and always provide sustenance for the soul.
In the report below, SGA-supported Pastor Andrei shares the story of how Maria had prayed for a long time that her husband Alexei would be saved. She rejoiced as she listened to that long-awaited repentance prayer. And now, with Maria’s eyes being weak and not being able to see well, Alexei reads the precious words of the Gospel to her. What a sweet testimony of God’s mercy and grace.
Here is what Andrei recently shared . . .
Dear brothers and sisters,
Grace and peace to you! Praise God for the opportunities to serve people! God continues to do His special work in the lives of 10 families through the ministry of mercy. Praise God, and thank you for your dedication, for your prayers and financial support in the ministry of evangelism.
Two churches, led by the pastors, have been taking part in this ministry. Both churches express their sincere gratitude to all friends and partners for comprehensive support and provision of food and other items. With this help, we can serve both IDP’s [internally displaced persons] families, and those who, because of the war, found themselves in an extremely difficult situation. Many people starve as they don’t have money to buy bread. Therefore, we are grateful for the Compassion Ministry outreach through which we can reach people for Christ.
In November and December 2022, we visited both local low-income and IDPs’ families, with the aim to preach the Gospel, as well as to provide them some aid. Sometimes we met in public places such a church building, or in executive offices. Some people attended our services or other meetings in the village churches throughout the Kirovograd region. We also visited some people in their homes. Here is one testimony from a home visit.
Alexei and Maria live in one of the villages we visit. Maria is a member of our church, and once a month I, as a pastor, visit her to share in the Lord’s Supper. I try to communicate with her husband Alexei every time I come to their home. Last year in 2021, he was sick with Covid, and there were the signs that he could die. But the church prayed for him, and the Lord showed His mercy to this senior man and prolonged his life. We prayed for his recovery with his wife Maria. Last time when I visited them at the beginning of December, Alexei expressed the desire to confess his sins and repent. Praise God that he placed his faith in Jesus! While we were praying with Alexei, his wife Maria was rejoicing. Praise the Lord!
The other day, their adult daughter, Lyuba, sent me a photo where you can see how Oleksiy is reading the Gospel to his wife, whose eyesight has begun to fail. We rejoice for these people. Praise God!