Irpen Biblical Seminary graduates stand in front of the damaged seminary building.
Sep 07, 2023
Bible Training

Bible training . . . evangelism . . . changed lives . . . grateful hearts

Eric Mock
SGA Senior Vice President of Ministry Operations

Graduation ceremony.
Graduation ceremony.

After the war broke out last year, Irpen Biblical Seminary in Ukraine sustained significant damage from shelling. By God’s grace, I was able to visit recently and got to see how much restoration work has been accomplished. The teachers and students have scrubbed the soot off of the floors, helped restore the building, and strive now to stand in the gap for the sake of the Gospel. 

While some students had to leave, others remained. They are trained through the seminary and are heading back to their churches to serve. We are praising and thanking the Lord for the 50 students who just graduated. This is a smaller number than before the war, but the graduating class was filled with those ready to face adversity for the sake of the Gospel. I was blessed to be there for this amazing event. They too heard the nightly explosions, have seen the horror of this war, and yet pressed on for the sake of Christ. 

Irpen Biblical Seminary graduates stand in front of the damaged seminary building.
Irpen Biblical Seminary graduates stand in front of the damaged seminary building.

My travels this year also took me to the nation of Poland, where many refugees from the war in Ukraine have fled. While there, I met with Polish Baptist leaders and we rejoiced at what God is doing in that country. Last summer, we had talked about all the Ukrainian refugees in Poland and the potential for planting many new Bible-teaching churches. There are more evangelical churches in Ukraine than most any country in Europe, and by God’s grace, they are being spread to the ends of the earth. In the book of Acts, Luke records what happened when the believers were scattered through persecution and adversity . . . Therefore, those who had been scattered went about preaching the Word (Acts 8:4). The same thing is happening today with the same outcome. What men mean for evil, God means for good! 

When we stop and consider it all, the past year-plus has truly been amazing from a ministry perspective. While the war in Ukraine truly consumed the last 16 months, all ministries of SGA have pressed forward. God has enabled us to continue support of: 

  • 356 national missionaries in 10 countries, 
  • Ministry to over 14,000 orphans in eight countries, 
  • Training of about 2,200 students in three seminaries, three Bible Institutes, and many church-based locations of training. 

Across 12 countries, the Gospel is going forth through faithful, indigenous churches with a love for Christ and those in their communities. Add in Summer Camp ministries, the Orphans Reborn outreach, drug rehab centers, and ministry to the elderly. As the churches reach the varied needs of people, SGA is there to serve the churches.

I was told many times that without the support of SGA, these ministries could not happen. And I told them many times that without the support of faithful churches and individuals who give to SGA, it would not be possible. Thank you for all your prayers and support, for much fruit is being gathered. To God be the glory!

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