Over the past several years, SGA has received many wonderful reports about Crisis Evangelism Fund ministry in Ukraine, as well as Compassion Ministry in other countries of the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS). These ministries reap a tremendous spiritual harvest, and good fruit comes from them as desperately needy people receive help in the name of Jesus.
Not long ago, Ilya, a national evangelical leader in the Caucasus region, asked SGA to help start and maintain an ongoing Compassion Ministry in their country. Ilya had participated in the SGA-sponsored Operation Winter Warmth outreach last winter and saw for himself how this ministry opens doors into many ministry opportunities that had been closed. Ilya is sure that with this ministry he can reach many needy and forgotten children and adults.
Ilya has already started visiting a state-run tuberculosis clinic where most residents are lonely, forgotten men and women who have no relatives or means for good quality treatment or nutritious food. The food packs that they distributed opened opportunities to share about the Lord’s love and care, as well as the life-changing Gospel.
In addition, SGA partners like you helped provide funds for follow-up ministry with children who began attending Sunday school after Immanuel’s Child Christmas outreaches. Ilya and his churches were able to purchase Christian literature in both the Azeri and Russian languages for distribution.
Thank you for your ongoing prayers and support of SGA’s ministries across the CIS. You are truly making an eternal difference in countless lives!