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Editor’s Note: The images and video below were provided by an SGA-supported church in Ukraine.
Summer Camps For Children Are Starting Up — See The Amazing Video 9

It is always a huge encouragement to hear of ways the church is offering refuge to those in need. In Ukraine, local churches and pastors continue to offer places of healing, aid, shelter, and ministry for those displaced by the ongoing war. In the report below, we learn from an SGA-supported pastor that his church is currently offering shelter to 175 people. Only 10% are Christians, while the remaining 90% are non-believers. What an opportunity for ministry!
            Thanks to support from friends like you, this local church can offer those who are wounded and homeless a place of rest. Even the little children are smiling sometimes. At their recent children’s camp, as you can see in the beautiful video below, children were given the chance to laugh and play together — forgetting about their troubles for a time. It is a reminder of the amazing impact of aid provided to churches from friends like you, and how much care for those in need can open doors for the Gospel…

Dear friends in Jesus!

I want to THANK YOU dear friends at SGA as we received a huge support of food aid from you through the Regional Association for our ministry in the Shelter. These items are given to our internationally displaced people, who are staying at our Shelter for a long time. Today in our Shelter there are 100 adults and 75 children! 10 % of these are Christians, the remaining 90% are non-believers. This is a missionary project, where we serve and show God’s love to them. God is Almighty! Thank you so much and I would like to ask you to continue to support our ministry. May God bless you all!

Now, let us meet some guests of the Shelter. . .

In the pictures we sent along, you’ll see a mother, Olga, and her twins, Oleksandra and Nikita. They came to us one late night in early April. The kids were 1 year and 4 months old at that time, but soon (in December) we will celebrate their second birthday. Olga arrived very tired, the children were scared and stressed. Now, thank God, she has recovered, the children have started smiling and Olga says she is feeling much better here. Olga’s husband is still back home. But for now, it is impossible to think about returning to their home, because now, unfortunately, it is a very unsafe region. We are grateful to be able to support this family in these difficult times.

            Another wonderful family with us is parents Natalia, Anatoly, and their 11 children! All of them are nice, polite, smart, and charming. Anatoliy is temporarily rehabilitating after being wounded. We try to surround this family with warmth and love!
            In our Shelter, there is a concentration of people with stories to tell, but they often choose to keep silent. Oleksiy and Olena arrived in our camp in early December. Oleksiy’s family lived through the occupation, de-occupation and the beginning of the massive shelling of their hometown at home. Oleksiy and Olena are staying with their elderly parents. Olena’s mother can no longer get up and walk. But this family is an inspiration to everyone around them with their faithful care for their parents, their hard work and wisdom. Oleksiy works every day in the housing unit, which is currently under reconstruction, and women are drawn to Olena’s prudence and wisdom.
            The video is the most recent, as we are now in the season of summer camps for children of internationally displaced persons and socially unprotected children of the city. This is the first of six, there are 60 children in this run. Praise God!

For His glory,


Director of the Shelter

In a time of great uncertainty, God is bringing help, healing, and hope to the people of Ukraine through SGA-supported pastors, churches, a seminary, and SGA-sponsored Compassion Ministry. Be a part of God’s incredible work with your generosity and prayer support.  

Your gift of compassion helps struggling people with emergency aid that generally includes Scripture materials, food, medicine, warm clothing, and shoes.

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