A summer camp report from Pastor Yuri R. in Belarus and testimonies from grateful hearts
Thank you very much for your prayers and help in arranging a Christian camp for children in Belarus. Your support helped us to have a camp for 76 kids. Most of them come from non-Christian homes. We had almost 30 orphans, and all these kids were able to spend several days in a Christian atmosphere of joy and learn about Christ as the only Savior of the sinners.
The majority of the kids have neither attended church nor been to a Christian camp. So they had many surprises and learned new things. It could be the reason why fewer of them made a decision at the end of the camp. Nevertheless, we praise the Lord for nice children and one adult lady who turned to Christ and prayed a prayer of repentance.
We organized a fun time of crafts groups, interesting games and wonderful Bible lessons with the puppet theater. We invited many new children and their parents and shared the Gospel with them. It would have been impossible without such a camp. So we are very happy, and we appreciate your support for the opportunity to minister to children and adults through a Christian summer camp.
I would like to say that our small church got stronger and more united when we prepared the camp. Each one had a chance to demonstrate patience and sacrificial Christian love. In this ministry, people grew in Christ and His love. It is a big blessing for the church.
This camp had its influence over our whole village. Many people heard Christian music and saw crowds of kids coming to church and how they were happy on their way home. Many of those who had never been to our church dropped in to ask what was going on. On one of the days we even had a kindergarten teacher with her kids come over to watch the puppet theater. We tried to have a conversation with each person, even if he or she came in by chance. We prayed for many of them, and we trust that we will see the fruit of the camp in the future. Thank you very much for your support!
Here are some testimonies from the children and adults that I want to share with you. May you be encouraged to hear how God is using your support to add to His Kingdom:
Dasha – 13 years old: Thank you for the camp. There I have learned about God and how to pray. Here everyone is so kind and nice, and I decided to become like them. It’s a pity that the camp ended quickly. But I am going to come to Sunday school, and we will all see each other again!
Artiom – 11 years old: I really liked everything in the camp. Particularly I enjoyed playing games with my new friends. I have also decided to go to Sunday school and believe in God because He died for me. Thank you for our time at camp and may everything be fine in your life.
Valentina – 62 years old: Thank you for the camp. It is a gift for everybody, and it was a special time for me. I have brought my grandchildren here. And they are very glad and even happy. Everything is so well organized and interesting — both crafts and games. You do such wonderful lessons about God! We didn’t know anything. Everything was new and interesting even for me. When I listened to it all with my grandchildren, I prayed and asked God to forgive my sins and change my life. I decided to attend this church and change my lifestyle. I hope the Lord will help me. Please pray for me and for my family so that we all will believe in God and become new people. God bless you!