For suffering Ukrainians in need, every meal, night of shelter, or word of encouragement provided by SGA-supporters pastors, ministries, and friends like you is more than just humanitarian aid. Your continued support helps meet their needs and serves as a tangible reminder of God’s loving presence and provision to those who need it most!
As more Ukrainian people are displaced from their homes, pastors are facing greater need and hardship. Recently, aid from SGA/Australia arrived in local villages and regions of Ukraine, and Pastor Olexander shares the incredible impact below.
These photos are from a dormitory where 55 refugee families currently live and are receiving ministry. They received help and aid. Thank you so much to our friends in Christ who helped provide aid for them!
– (Pastor speaks): Greetings, dear friends. We have a short video from the dormitory where our Internationally Displaced Persons from eastern and southern Ukraine live. Today, together with these people, we want to thank the Lord again and again for our dear friends, and for SGA that organizes such wonderful help, which has taken care of these people. We want to say a word of gratitude from the bottom of our hearts for the help and for the food. Whatever you have in your heart, on your tongue, share it, let those caring people, sponsors who love you so much, hear you…
– (First female speaker) I sincerely thank you and your kind people with whom you serve us, all the sponsors who help us. Thank you for your humanity, for your kindness, for everything! For your kind words to us sinners! We wish you good luck, health, and a peaceful sky and a soon victory. And for our defenders, that they may come back alive! AMEN!
– (Pastor resumes speaking) This clapping means joining the nice words for our friends who care about us! May God bless us all and the mission of SGA!
Shows Pastor Olexander driving through rainy weather to meet with needy people and minister to them.From Pastor Olexander: “This video shows the road to ministry. Rainy, but THANKFUL!”
These refugees, in addition to the wonderful food, also received personal hygiene items from you.
22 relatives of our brothers and sisters in Christ are in the war. These days we received this flag as a token of gratitude for the church. It is clear that this is a very high appreciation of our ministry!
And in the end… Despite everything, despite all the wartime hardships and all kinds of human suffering and difficulties, life goes on! Today, this poor and needy young family received help from you. Last year, Peter and Ira got married, and three weeks ago they had a baby boy. They have named him Ivanko, which means “God’s grace.” May God grant His grace to this family, to our nation and to all of Ukraine! By the way, Peter has no mother and Ira has no father…
May the Lord’s Name be glorified in all you and we do for HIS only glory!
In a time of great uncertainty, God is bringing help, healing, and hope to the people of Ukraine through SGA-supported pastors, churches, a seminary, and SGA-sponsored Compassion Ministry. Be a part of God’s incredible work with your generosity and prayer support.
Your gift of compassion helps struggling people with emergency aid that generally includes Scripture materials, food, medicine, warm clothing, and shoes.