This is Eric Mock reporting in from the Russian city of Irkutsk. All is going well here with scheduled training in Biblical Counseling. Along with me, Stepan Pavaluk is teaching the second part of our Introduction to Biblical Counseling course dealing with conflict resolution, marriages and some typical problems, while Dr. Ernie Baker is teaching on a biblical response to all aspects of suffering.
I wanted to quickly write you about one student, who came up to me with several students after lunch to thank SGA for sponsoring Antioch Initiative training. The student, named Yuri, is a faithful missionary. He went on to say, “Thank you so much for the Antioch initiative training and all the literature SGA provides. This has been so important for our ministry. There are many people who come to Russia and teach different things about the Bible. But the teaching through the Antioch Initiative has the Bible as its only foundation, and we learn to trust and use Scripture in all aspects of ministry. We are so grateful that the teachers you send are grounded in the Bible and we are taught to trust on God’s Word.” The other students with Yuri concurred in his remarks. Thank you for praying and interceding for these students and SGA’s ongoing Bible training initiatives. You are truly helping to make an eternal difference in many lives for the sake of the Gospel!