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Dec 28, 2023
Editor’s Note: The images below were provided by an SGA-supported church.

In Ukraine, even in the midst of chaos and destruction, people like Viktor have allowed God’s power to heal them and bring them peace. His story is shared below:

God interrupted Viktor’s ordinary life with a rare disease.
Storyteller Angela had a chance to hear how God used that illness to bring Viktor to a place where he would think about spiritual things.
In that, there was life change.
Although a very difficult road to travel, through the prayer
of a friend and a church to grow in, Viktor is now a faithful SGA-supported pastor who is ministering to others in a time of great need.

“From physically not being able to walk, to walking with the LordGod changed Viktor’s desires and plans and made them His own…

Viktor was an ordinary Ukrainian college student who loved to party. Just like friends hisage, he spent his free time drinking, having a good time, and not being serious about his studies.Yet during his second year of study, everything changed. Viktor suddenly fell victim to a raredisease that penetrated his peripheral nervous system. Within a couple of days, he was in the ER,partially paralyzed and unable to walk on hisown. This was a big challenge for a 21-year-old young man. Little did he know that one of his classmates, a Christian who attended a Baptist church, had called on his entire church to pray for Viktor’s health. The Lord was already working in Viktor’s life through this difficulty! Treatment lasted for 5 6 months, and Viktor hadto take about 40 pills a day. Yet God, in His providence, gave the doctor wisdom in prescribing the correct medication and treatment, and gave Viktor a desire to think about spiritual things through this trial.

While he was still on medication, Viktor began reading the Bible and attending church with hisclassmate friend. Soon, he was convicted of his sin, and having found hope and forgiveness inChrist, he got baptized in Grace Baptist Church. Several years later, he met a wonderfulChristian young woman in Rivne region, who later became his wife.

Viktor’s path of pastoral ministry began with a small group that he and his wife started. Someyears later, he was invited to be the senior pastor of Revival Baptist Church. Today, their church not only serves the community where they are located, but also ministers to many internally displaced people from all across the country. God is using Revival Baptist Church toshare the Gospel with those who have lost everything, including their loved ones, cities, houses,and possessions. This summer, four new believers professed their faith through baptism and alsobecame a part of the church community. Viktor’s sincere desire is for God to show their churchhow to be most effective in meeting the physical and especially spiritual needs of the manypeople that surround them. He believes that it is important to have a sensitivity to the times that are occurring in order to better understand how to serve the church. Now, several of the churchmembers are continuing their education and training in order to better minister to those in their community.

 Viktor says, “As I look around at what is occurring, I understand that the Bible often talks about
times like these: cataclysms, wars, and trials. Yet God is still in control, and He still reigns. He
reigns over all the earth and all the earthly kings. This gives me confidence and strength,
because on Earth we won’t find true peace or comfort or happiness. We should just wait with
patience for the end
and be faithful!”

In a time of great uncertainty, God is bringing help, healing, and hope to the people of Ukraine through SGA-supported pastors, churches, a seminary, and SGA-supported Compassion Ministry. Be a part of God’s incredible work with your generosity and prayer support.  

Your gift of compassion helps struggling people with emergency aid that generally includes Scripture materials, food, medicine, warm clothing, and shoes.

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