Editor’s Note: The images and report below were provided by an SGA-supported church in a neighboring country of Ukraine.
On the day before SGA-supported Pastor Ruslan’s most recent report was received, the city where he serves was hit by several missiles. As the onslaught continues in this part of Ukraine, we continue to praise God that the Gospel is going forth as the Church continues to serve and grow. God is at work through the generosity and prayer support of “American Philippians,” as Pastor Ruslan says, like you!
Read more from Pastor Ruslan . . .
Peace be with you!
We thank God for you, for your mission and your service to God. Just as the Philippians were a blessing to the Apostle Paul in his spreading the Gospel, so you have become and are a kind of “American Philippians” to us, participating in the Compassion Ministry and helping us to spread the Gospel in our country and in our city in particular.
Through the Compassion Ministry the Gospel has already reached many people. The Word of God was sown through the Ministry and, of course, many seeds fell by the way side, some fell upon stony places, but other fell into good ground. Your first donation with which we purchased and distributed many grocery packages was the beginning of awakening and salvation for some people. When we handed out food packages, we always tried to preach the Gospel to people and invite them to our Bible studies. Now there is a group of up to 30 people who come to our Bible studies every day, Monday through Friday (Photos 1-3). All of these people no longer come for humanitarian aid, but to study the Bible.
And on Sundays our premise is no longer able to accommodate all those who want to come. Your second donation, in the same amount as the first, laid the foundation for the organization of a new local church in one of the neighborhoods of our city. Up to 20 people now attend this church.
Many give testimonies that they came for material aid and received much more. More and more I am convinced that these circumstances in our country have become a great blessing for the successful preaching of the Gospel.
God is now giving us a clear understanding that this is a very good time to plant new churches in our city, and we do not want to miss this opportunity.
We want to ask you keep praying for us and our ministry. We are also looking for new financial opportunities to start two more churches in our city, through the Compassion Ministry and preaching the Gospel. Of course, we do not know what will happen next in our city, but we want to do what we can do today and now, even though we may not be able to do it tomorrow.
Testimonies of some people who regularly come to Bible studies and whose lives are transformed:
– I took your book [New Testament] along with a grocery package. I read it all the time and realized that I should have taken it and read a long time ago.”
– “When I started coming to you, I had a desire to live because before that, we didn’t know how to live and what to do next. I am always drawn to this place as well as to my home.”
– “I really wanted to eat, but there was nothing, and a neighbor told me that there were believers who gave people food. So, I ran to you, and now I am with you. I came for food for my body and found faith.”
– “A young lady named Alyona lives close to our church. She told me that she often passed by you, but had no desire to come to you. But when the war started, it was her desire to come.”
– “Life has been very difficult since I was a little girl, and it still the same today. But when I came to you, I realized that there was a different life, a life with God. I am very happy.”
– “Glory be to God for everything. You have such an atmosphere here that even we don’t have at home. Thank you very much.”
– “I am 80 years old. The first time I came here and heard your sermon, I liked it and something touched my heart. And then I realized that I had been living wrong all my life. But thank God, now I read and study the Bible, and it brings me joy.”
Once again, many thanks for your prayers and support. May God bless you abundantly!
Pastor Ruslan
In a time of great uncertainty, God is bringing help, healing, and hope to the people of Ukraine through SGA-supported pastors, churches, a seminary, and SGA-sponsored Compassion Ministry. Be a part of God’s incredible work with your generosity and prayer support.
Your gift of compassion helps struggling people with emergency aid that generally includes Scripture materials, food, medicine, warm clothing, and shoes.