We continue to see God make a way to ship humanitarian aid from Poland to churches in Ukraine. Below is a report from SGA-supported missionary Pastor Mikhail who is exceedingly grateful for the support of believers like you from half a world away. “We feel your love for us in every product,” he says.
Please pause and read and note the thanksgiving to God from him, as well as from those receiving the aid. As the love of Christ is extended, hearts are opening and there is healing! Here is Mikhail’s report . . .
Greetings, brothers and sisters and SGA staff!
I am writing to you with words of gratitude for the help we receive from you. We distribute this aid to IDPs [internally displaced persons] and take it to the south of our country in the Kherson region.Recently, our church had another meeting with unbelievers. There was a worship service, communication, and distribution of the aid from you. There were many people, many testimonies. I want to share a few of them.
Natalia and her husband Anatoly came to us from Nikopol. They are 69 years old and are retired. She worked as a technologist in the food industry, and her husband is a psychiatrist. Now they receive a pension. But the war has interfered in their life. A phosphorus bomb burned down their house, everything they had, everything they had gained together. They came to us with nothing. They asked us for help. We helped them with blankets, bedding, clothes, and food. Natalia says that being in such a condition (disabled), she and her husband feel not alone, but safe. They say that God heard them and did not leave them alone with their grief. They express their sincere gratitude for the care and help. With tears in their eyes, they think that there are churches and people who are not indifferent to their lives, who, in the most difficult moment, extended a helping hand.
Ira, Natalia’s relative,came from Sloviansk, they also lost their house and live in Tatarbunary. They also came with one bag, but in the church they found shelter and comfort for their souls. They are very grateful to the people who help: “I didn’t believe that we were needed by anyone in this world, but I understood that there is God, and there is God’s church, God’s people who care. They helped with everything, fed us, gave us clothes, made us a bed, and made us warm. I am very grateful for their concern, care and help. We are grateful that the church is open to people. We are grateful to all the people who are involved in this help.”
I would like to tell you about a family who are from our region, but during the war, they started coming to the church. They have three children, she works as a schoolteacher, and her husband Pavlo is fighting near Bakhmut. She has recently accepted Christ in her heart, and Pavlo said that if he comes home safe, he will stay in the church. He recently came home for seven days and came to church. He witnessed about God’s protection and defense. They thank you for your help for them. He also took Christian literature to read. We gave him a Bible. His wife Oksana is preparing to be baptized. We pray for them that the Lord would keep them and their family both physically and spiritually.
I am a pastor of a church in the Odessa region. I am sincerely grateful for your love and help. It is a great blessing for us. We feel your love for us in every product. A famous evangelist once said that the first thing to say about Christ is to show it by your actions, by your life, by helping people in need, and then by telling them with words.Thank you for helping us and participating in our ministry. May God richly bless you and SGA. Psalm 129:8 . . . the blessing of the Lord be upon you; we bless you in the name of the Lord!
In a time of great uncertainty, God is bringing help, healing, and hope to the people of Ukraine through SGA-supported pastors, churches, a seminary, and SGA-sponsored Compassion Ministry. Be a part of God’s incredible work with your generosity and prayer support.
Your gift of compassion helps struggling people with emergency aid that generally includes Scripture materials, food, medicine, warm clothing, and shoes.