Viktor G.
SGA-Supported Missionary Pastor in Central Asia
For our country’s Union of Evangelical Christians-Baptist churches, 2024 has been declared The Year of Mission. Our goal is to establish new churches and home groups, and we pray that through faith in Jesus Christ, every Christian may be enriched with hope and participate in the work of God’s harvest field. We do not know what the rest of the year holds for us, but if we believe that the future is in His hands, then we look forward with hope, confidence, and inspiration, clothing ourselves in the . . . armor of faith and love, and with the helmet of the hope of salvation (1 Thessalonians 5:8). Without a doubt, with faith we are ready to continue fulfilling the Great Commission of our Lord Jesus Christ, who commanded us to go and make disciples of all nations.
Over the last quarter of 2023, my wife Irina and I continued to work in the Lord’s field almost every day. My wife often prepares hot meals for homeless and socially vulnerable people while I disciple them in God’s Word. In addition to all the children’s and teen ministries in our church and beyond, we organized a Christmas program for the kids with gift-giving. There were a lot of children and teenagers. Some visited the church for the first time, especially at such a festive event. We told all the children about the birth of Jesus Christ and the purpose for which He came to Earth. The children and their parents sincerely rejoiced and thanked the Lord God for everything they saw and heard.
In October, a wedding took place in our church for a young couple, Sino and Sabrina. They are both originally from a Muslim background.
Some years ago, the Word of God was sown in their hearts. They repented and turned in faith to the Lord Jesus Christ. After some time, both became members of our church. Currently, Sino serves weekly in one of the districts in our region, where the worship service is conducted in the national language. Sabrina actively participates in our church’s worship group, singing hymns in both Russian and our national language. Now, the Lord has united their hearts in marriage! In addition to these events, we organized a trip to the mountainous regions, sharing Christ with the people of these areas and distributing Bible calendars. We also provided the needy with food assistance.
Please PRAY for these ministries to the indigenous population, for our children’s and youth ministries, and for the ongoing construction of our House of Prayer. Beloved brothers and sisters! We heartily congratulate you, your families, and your churches! Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, good will toward men (Luke 2:14).