Editor’s Note: The reports and images below were provided by an SGA-supported pastor in Belarus.
Many stories come from the reports below from SGA-supported Pastor Alexei. First there is a young girl suffering from Stage 3 cancer who is going through her trial with the Jesus she loves. Secondly, because of Sonya, another girl is coming to faith and beginning her walk with the Lord. And lastly, a community is learning just what it takes to walk a very difficult road together.
Alexei and his family are leading the way by showing the others what it means to be a part of the bigger family of God. Please continue to pray that many more youth will trust their lives to Christ and be ready to share the Good News with others—even in the midst of very difficult circumstances. Pray also for Sonya’s complete healing from the cancer she is battling.
From a May report…
“Peace be with you, dear brothers, and sisters!
I would like to share a special joy: Elia, who is 15 years old, repented at the Sunday service. This girl is in the 9th grade, and she studies with Sonya (who is now being treated for cancer). A year ago, Sonya invited Elia to the consecration of the House of Prayer after the renovation. And since then, Elia has been coming to church, attending Sunday school and youth fellowships, being with us on different trips. Elia and Sonya have spent a lot of time together. Sonya has invited and brought other kids as well. Now Sonia is in the hospital, but they saw each other in between chemotherapy sessions and even walked to the House of Prayer. A year ago, three days before Elia’s birthday, her father Volodya died of cancer. Anya and I took Elia and her sister Karina to our house, and they stayed overnight with us. Elia is an open and kind girl, sensible and calm, able to listen. Both Elia and Sonya are like daughters to me and Anya. In the class where the girls study, three more children know Jesus and attend the services. We pray for the other children as well. Elia said that she had had a serious desire to repent about a month ago, she talked about it with her mother. At the service Elia stood up and said: “Well, I have decided to repent.” And she came forward. We bent our knees and prayed. Then everyone congratulated her. It’s great that these young kids, from their youth, are entrusting their lives to Christ.
Thank you for your prayers and your participation in our ministry. It is precious to us. Please pray for Elia and for her strengthening and growing in the Lord. Pray also for our family, for strength and dedication, wisdom, and guidance from God. May the Lord be with each of us.”
From an earlier March report…
“One girl Sonya, who is 15 years old, got sick with cancer—Stage 3. She spends most of her time in the hospital. Our kids write and call her. Some of them managed to visit her in the hospital. My wife and I also visited her there. When Sonya was at home, the kids all talked to her. Sonya came out to the balcony. She was very weak, she lost a considerable amount of weight. This situation brought the children together, and they prayed more. One of the guys cut his hair on his head to support Sonya.
I thank the staff of SGA; they visited Sonya and her mother Larisa. They also helped to take them home from hospital. Each week the youth and church members take a fast for Sonya’s recovery and Larisa’s conversion. Sonya is going through this trial with Jesus, whom she loves.”
Pastor Alexey
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