Perhaps few of us wake up each day wondering what trouble the day will bring. For the churches we serve in Ukraine, for almost a year now each day has brought tribulation none could have anticipated. The war has certainly impacted the outreach of SGA-supported pastors and their congregation, but it has not overcome the cause of Christ!
Believers like you have given generously to ensure ministry would not be interrupted. And most recently, these funds have helped toward providing generators to allow churches to become centers of heat and hope in the harsh winter months.
Three pastors recently wrote to let us know how much these generators mean to their church bodies and surrounding communities they serve. Thank you for bringing comfort to their “uncomfortable moments” in ministry . . .
I would like to express my gratitude for your tremendous help in providing us with a generator for our church. This is a solution to our uncomfortable moments in the ministry, when there is no power and this happens quite often in these difficult times. Now we can hold our services and small groups with people in our “House of Prayer” as planned. We thank God and thank you all for this blessing, for your tireless care!
I would like to express my gratitude for your tremendous help in providing us with a generator. [We] express our sincere gratitude to SGA and to our sponsors and ministry partners for their help in providing a generator for our local church. Our local church was in great need for a generator due to regular power outages. With this generator, we can hold worship services in a regular and comfortable way now. The ability of the generator is enough for us to provide a heater and illumination of the hall. May the Lord bless you in your faithful service to our local church!
Our church would like to thank you for your help in the form of a gasoline generator. After massive attacks on critical infrastructure in the war, we, like most facilities, faced the challenge of a lack of electricity, depending on the supply line. Since the first days of the war, we as a church have been involved in helping people in every possible way. This includes spiritual support and food aid. Each Sunday, about 30 non-believers come to the church, and we communicate with them constantly. We want people to feel comfortable in the church.
Our community depends on electricity, because the heating system needs to power the water pumps, and since the beginning of the pandemic, we have started broadcasting our services, which are attended by the elderly of our church and a large number of people who want to know more about God. This also makes us power dependent. We bought an inexpensive generator, but unfortunately it quickly broke down, and your help was very timely. Our goal is to be a focus for the proclamation of the Gospel. At the same time, it is important for us to be accessible to the city community, to respond to common needs, including, if necessary, to provide steadfastness points. Your help has enabled us to get closer to our goal!
In a time of great uncertainty, God is bringing help, healing, and hope to the people of Ukraine through SGA-supported pastors, churches, a seminary, and SGA-sponsored Compassion Ministry. Be a part of God’s incredible work with your generosity and prayer support.
Your gift of compassion helps struggling people with emergency aid that generally includes Scripture materials, food, medicine, warm clothing, and shoes.