Olena repented “rather suddenly” after hearing of Christ’s sacrifice on her behalf. As you read her testimony below as shared by SGA-supported Pastor Oleg, you will see that Olena’s life changed after her repentance. She felt peace and grace as she was welcomed into a church, and it was there that God revealed Himself to her through the ministry of Oleg and the sisters of the church.
Many churches in Ukraine have become a safe place of refuge. But they are also playing a big part in bringing many to the Lord! Please continue to pray for the people behind church doors who are continually welcoming people in and spreading the Good News of the Gospel.
Dear brothers and sisters,
We greet you with the love of our Lord Jesus Christ! We want to share with you the life of our church during this period! Thank you for your prayerful and financial support of our ministry.
It is important to note that the war continues! The Lord urges us to think about those who gave their lives for our safety, and for the people who are suffering! Thank God for the opportunities for ministry, and especially for the people, which can come and hear about Him!
Our church continues the women’s ministry. Every week on Monday, our sisters have a women’s fellowship where they study God’s Word together. This is especially important for our newly converted women, who repented and were baptized last year. Women who are close to God also come to these meetings. Recently, Olena repented at one of these groups. She was a schoolteacher and is now retired. The Lord began to work in her life through her son Yuri, who believes in and serves the Lord. Yuri used to be an alcoholic and was supposed to die due to cirrhosis of the liver, but the Lord performed a miracle in his life.
This is how Sister Olena shares her testimony:
“I am an ordinary woman, who has worked as a schoolteacher for 49 years. I have two sons. Until recently, I lived an ordinary life, and I did not pray to God, nor did I go to church. I was taught . . . that the school is separate from the church. Even so, my son’s changing life prompted me to come to the church. I first came to the House of Prayer when Yuri, my son, was undergoing rehabilitation in Italy after suffering a stroke. He is disabled and had so many diseases that the doctors sent him to die. Looking at his life, I wondered how the Lord has kept him until now.
When I first came to the evangelical church, I immediately felt peace of mind and God’s grace here. It was here that the Lord revealed Himself to me, and I realized that I was a sinner and that I deserved punishment for my sins. The decision to repent came rather suddenly, I decided to leave my sinful life and asked the Lord to forgive me of my sins. I understood that He died on Calvary’s cross for me. After repentance, my life changed. I believe in Jesus; therefore, I am clothed in the righteousness of Christ, and I know that I am saved by grace. Recently, I decided to undergo water baptism, and because of this my friends and acquaintances turned away from me.”
In a time of great uncertainty, God is bringing help, healing, and hope to the people of Ukraine through SGA-supported pastors, churches, a seminary, and SGA-supported Compassion Ministry. Be a part of God’s incredible work with your generosity and prayer support.
Your gift of compassion helps struggling people with emergency aid that generally includes Scripture materials, food, medicine, warm clothing, and shoes.