In this most recent account below from Viktor, a minister in Ukraine, he describes in detail how your support, prayers, and financial gifts are truly making a difference. Viktor explains how a person who came to one of their services to receive aid had greatly suffered: “The last meeting was attended by a man, the father of five children. His wife died nine days ago.” As more and more stories like this man’s continue to take place, please pray that the hope and comfort of Jesus will reach these people through SGA-supported pastors and churches in Ukraine. Thank you for being a source of physical and spiritual blessings to those who are suffering in extremely harsh circumstances, and who need the hope of Christ more than ever.
Dear brothers and sisters,
The warmest greetings to you with love of the Lord Jesus Christ!We are grateful to you for the care and for the support. The funds we received from you all were spent on the aid for needy refugees, who have lived in the house of prayer and in our town. With your financial assistance we were able to especially serve people who lost their homes during the war in Ukraine.
In our ministry for Internally Displaced People (IDPs), finances are an important component of the manifestation of God’s love for people. We praise God for the opportunity to organize different services for children, women and men. Food packages were distributed and the Word of God was preached. The last meeting was attended by a man, the father of five children. His wife died nine days ago.
Food kits were distributed to everyone who was present. Everyone listened to the Gospel very attentively. Some of the refugees asked questions about God and the eternal life. All of them thanked us for spiritual support and encouragement. It’s important for those people.
We thank you that with your help we can serve people and show Christ to them! May God richly bless you and return a hundredfold to you!!!
With love and prayers,
In a time of great uncertainty, God is bringing help, healing, and hope to the people of Ukraine through SGA-supported pastors, churches, a seminary, and SGA-sponsored Compassion Ministry. Be a part of God’s incredible work with your generosity and prayer support.
Your gift of compassion helps struggling people with emergency aid that generally includes Scripture materials, food, medicine, warm clothing, and shoes.