240104 Sga Ukraine War Stories 12 7 Social Post 2 Wordpress Preview 460x460 V1
Editor’s Note: The images below were provided by an SGA-supported church in Ukraine.

Below is an amazing story of the work of God in Ukraine…of the perseverance and love shown throughout destruction and despair. Please pause for a moment and read this story sent to SGA by Pastor Olexander. May the people living in Ukraine feel God’s love and take comfort in Him.

Olexander shares:

This testimony is from the family to whom we’ve witnessed about Jesus and brought a food package for them as well. Thank you for everything you do! All is for His glory! We are here to share God’s truth with people, who suffer a lot. 

Testimony of Valentyn

The following story tells of the drama and tragedy that the war brought to Ukraine, of the indomitable spirit of Ukrainians, and of love overcoming the most difficult obstacles. And most importantly, about how the Lord manifests His Heavenly mercy in difficult circumstances to save immortal human souls.

When Valentyn was 12 years old, his father tragically died at a factory. His mother raised two children (a son and a daughter) alone.

From the first days of the war, Valentyn was mobilized to the war front and on April 20, 2022, his unit came under heavy “Grad” fire. Deadly missiles fell and exploded in five-second intervals. Valentyn clung to the ground, counting these seconds in anticipation of the next explosion, and for the first time in his life prayed fervently to God. One of the rockets fell nearby and completely pierced his body with shrapnel. It was in the evening, and he crawled bleeding to his comrades, carrying his severely wounded comrade. Only in the morning they reached their positions. After receiving first aid, he was rushed to a hospital in Eastern Ukraine.

Interestingly, a few months before the war, Valentyn had met a girl named Natalia, but they did not have time to get married. When she found out about her boyfriend’s injury, she immediately came to the hospital. Valentyn was in a coma for 7 days and almost all the time Natasha was by his side, constantly holding his hand and talking to him. This was the advice of the doctors, so that his brain could react and the wounded man could come out of the coma. Thank God, it happened! After that, many more surgeries were done, but, unfortunately, they could not save his leg. It was cut off up to the hip.

However, despite this drama, they applied for marriage right there in the hospital. Everyone who heard about this was amazed at Natalia’s courage and self-sacrifice, as she was free to make a different choice. However, the decision was made. According to the wartime law, the Chief Medical Doctor conducted this procedure. He officially registered their marriage right there in the hospital room and admitted that it was the first time he had done so in his 30 years of medical experience. The newlyweds were crying, the medical staff and all the wounded who were present were crying… It was May 18, 2022. Then Valentyn had a long road of further treatment and rehabilitation, which lasted more than a year. And in all his cases, his kind and faithful wife was his constant and reliable support.

When he returned to Central Ukraine, I met him by accident one day…

Once, while walking down the street near the city market, I saw a wheelchair being loaded into a cargo bus-taxi with this young soldier without a leg. I approached him to express my respect and gratitude to him as to a hero. That’s how we met and exchanged phone numbers. A few days later, my wife and I were at their home. Since then, we have been in close contact with this family. Every time we talk about God, sing psalms, and pray together. These people always hospitably receive us, and their hearts have become open to the truths of God. Today, Valentyn’s mother has started attending our church services regularly, and Valentyn and Natalia have also become very close to God. Recently, he was equipped with a special prosthesis and can now move a little independently. But he is constantly tormented by phantom pains and every night he dreams of a death missile falling and exploding near him. At the same time, he is very happy to be alive and because his comrade, whom he was carrying all that night, also survived.  We thank God for using us to serve such people! 

Our heartfelt gratitude goes to all the sponsors and SGA ministries who bless our people with wonderful food packages, thank you for your prayers for our country! 

In a time of great uncertainty, God is bringing help, healing, and hope to the people of Ukraine through SGA-supported pastors, churches, a seminary, and SGA-sponsored Compassion Ministry. Be a part of God’s incredible work with your generosity and prayer support.

Your gift of compassion helps struggling people with emergency aid that generally includes Scripture materials, food, and hygiene supplies.

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