God blessed the SGA-sponsored Immanuel’s Child ministry with another record-setting Christmas season—thanks to God’s provision through your faithful support.
Even though the counts are not yet complete, you helped reach at least 30,114 children, with two of every three—20,349—being from unbelieving families!
Immanuel’s Child is the annual Christmas outreach to tens of thousands of children in the lands of Russia. SGA-sponsored churches hold celebrations in church buildings and other locations. Loving workers give children Star of Bethlehem Ornaments that say, “God Loves You!” in Russian. Eric Mock, SGA vice president of ministry operations, reports:
“I’ll go back many times later visiting homes and find there was an Immanuel’s Child star stuck up on the wall in the children’s room and they wanted me again to pronounce the name out loud . . . Long after Christmas is gone, that ornament is still hanging there because those children believe that there is an American family praying for them.”
The children also receive children’s Bibles, Christian literature, gifts, and follow-up by trained Christian workers.
While final numbers are still being gathered from Russia and her neighboring countries, we can tell you that more children were reached through Immanuel’s Child this year than ever before! Oh, give thanks to the Lord, call upon His name; make known His deeds among the peoples (1 Chronicles 16:8).