When you consider the course of SGA’s ministry in the former Soviet Union since 1934, we have seen many difficult and tragic circumstances faced by the downtrodden people. Before SGA was founded, evangelical Christians faced severe persecution under the tsarist regime, and then even greater persecution under communist rule, which lasted more than 70 years. Then came the Soviet breakup in 1991, and that ushered in a time of freedom for the churches to proclaim the Gospel and plant new churches.
In the 32 years that have elapsed since 1991, there have been many heartbreaking events across Russia and her neighboring countries. We remember the tragic terrorist attack on a school in Beslan, several wars in the Caucasus region, the ongoing Nagorno—Karabakh conflict between Azerbaijan and Armenia, and periodic bloodshed in some of the “stan” countries of Central Asia. And of course, the ongoing war in Ukraine continues with no end yet in sight.
These are only a few of the things that have brought great sorrow to many individuals and families. Yet through it all, there has been a steady light of hope that has shone forth and continues to shine.
That is the wonderful hope of the Gospel, faithfully proclaimed in the love of Christ by the Bible-preaching churches SGA serves across the former Soviet Union. The Lord is fulfilling His Word in building His church. And nothing can stop Him from doing so. His light always prevails over darkness.
Each report we receive from hardworking missionary pastors illustrates this. The results are not typically seen in mass crusade evangelism. Instead, they are seen in the steady, ongoing, unrelenting ministry carried out in cities, towns, and villages where an evangelical church is centered. From those centers, dedicated believers take Christ’s love into every opportunity the Lord opens to them, and many souls are being drawn by the Holy Spirit as the Gospel is preached. Through your prayers and generous support, you are right there with our brothers and sisters as they obey the Lord’s command to go. The fruit of this ministry is eternal, and I can never thank you enough!
For our Savior,
Michael Johnson