When we are putting together issues of the Good News Report, one problem we frequently have month to month is that there is so much to share! SGA partners like you help support many ministries—children’s ministries such as Orphans Reborn and Summer Camps. You help support Bible training for pastors and church workers, and for missionary pastors being sent out to reach unreached areas across Russia’s vastness with the Gospel. And there’s our Compassion Ministry, which seeks to help needy families in the name of Jesus with food, warm clothing, and other vital physical needs. Eight pages of a newsletter really don’t afford the space to tell you everything that God is doing through your prayers and generous support.
So we share what we can, realizing that it’s only a glimpse into a broad, all-encompassing work that God is doing in thousands of hearts and lives. Eric Mock’s report from his recent visit to cold Yakutia reveals the excitement there over the opportunity to study God’s Word and prepare for effective outreach. We can peer through a window into how the drug rehab ministry overseen by one of our missionary pastors has wrought deep, eternal changes in the life of a man who had no hope and waited for death. That’s just a start, and none of this could happen without your faithfulness! And for that, I am truly grateful to God. Please pray with us as we keep pressing on with what He has called us to do in sharing the Gospel, equipping the church, and helping the forgotten.
Michael Johnson