It’s “transformation” time again! Each year, during the upcoming season, I love anticipating what God will do in many lives across former Soviet countries. As the Lord allowed me to be a part of developing the Immanuel’s Child Christmas ministry, I have followed it closely even during the time I was away from SGA for several years working in the business world. The Lord has used this ministry to reach more and more children each year.
But I can’t help but be a bit concerned as the number of participating churches in North America has decreased. While this can no doubt be attributed to several factors, I think the number one factor is that not enough churches are even aware that this great ministry opportunity exists!
And the opportunity is great. The relationships that begin with the children and their families are followed up in the course of the year. The children are invited to Sunday school and the families to church, and during the summer, many of the kids who participated in an Immanuel’s Child outreach also attend SGA-sponsored summer camps and other ministry events throughout the year. And what an incomparable blessing it is to be a part of it!
If your church has never participated in Immanuel’s Child, I pray that you will prayerfully consider it for next year. It truly is one of the most effective times of the year for reaching the lost with the Gospel. Please join me in prayer as Christmas draws near. We are praying for an abundant spiritual harvest.
Thank you for all that you do for His glory!
Michael Johnson