Jesus commanded us to take His Good News to “the end of the earth” (Acts 1:8). If Far East Russia isn’t part of the “end of the earth,” I don’t know what is!
If you were to mention the “Far East” to most people, I’m guessing it would call to mind an image of some exotic place of mystery and intrigue—most often visualized on a movie screen. By contrast, the region encompassing the Far East in Russia can be harsh and unforgiving, especially the weather! This issue of Good News Report focuses on the Yakutsk region in Far East Russia, where winter temperatures can plunge below minus 50!
Yet the men, women, and children who live in this amazing region really aren’t any different from you and me. They all have hopes and dreams along with joys and sorrows. Most of all, they share our great need for a Savior. In thinking about this not long ago, it struck me forcefully to realize just how few workers were out there taking the life-changing Gospel of Jesus Christ to this vast harvest field. It is not the easiest place in the world for travel, and yes, that is quite an understatement. Can you imagine being in a tiny village so isolated that the only access is either by air, or by waiting until winter when the river freezes over enough to get there on a snowmobile or other vehicle? It’s hard for us to imagine, but it is a daily reality for them.
SGA is privileged to serve a group of faithful missionary pastors who willingly sacrifice a more comfortable life to go live in these regions, and to take the hope of the Gospel to poor individuals and families who so desperately need it. But there aren’t anywhere near enough workers. We must pray even harder what the Lord commanded . . . The harvest is plentiful, but the laborers are few; therefore beseech the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into His harvest (Luke 10:2).
For our Savior,
Michael Johnson