Not long ago, our church hosted an evangelism seminar for believers in our region. We wanted to help develop the pattern of making evangelism a regular part of our daily lives. One key goal was for each one of us to look for an opportunity to meet with nonbelievers a minimum of once a week.
The seminar produced wonderful fruit! We understood the need and importance of praying, and looking for those who are ready to study the Scriptures together at homes or somewhere else in a more neutral area. It was a joy for me to see brothers and sisters now initiating such meetings with unbelieving people they know!
Outreach in our area is especially important now because there are many newcomers in our town. We were excited to have a few families visiting us at home recently. One of these families learned about us when some young parents, Sergei and Dasha, were looking for advice in bringing up their children. They were advised to call us. We not only answered their questions, but also invited them to visit us at home. They have three children and came to our town looking for ways to make money. Now they know that we are believers, and we really would like to become a bridge to help them build a relationship with Jesus.
Another couple, Sergei and Tatiana, along with their four children, have also visited us at our home. We talk a lot about the Bible together, and they expressed a desire to visit our Sunday service.
We pray that God will grant wisdom for how to be most effective in ministry to these people. Please pray for our church members as they reach out in their neighborhoods to those who need to hear of Christ’s love!