Editor’s Note: The report and images below were provided by an SGA-supported pastor in Ukraine.
When the war in Ukraine began earlier this year, it was hard to see how any good could come out of such widespread destruction and heartbreaking loss. But as you read SGA-supported Pastor Alexander’s most recent report below, you will see how this unthinkable evil is what God turned to good in the lives of many Ukrainians in need.
Praise God with us for His greater plan which is always at work . . .
Greetings to you, dear brothers and sisters!
For months, the war has been going on in our country. People continue to die, houses are being destroyed, millions of people are forced to seek shelter. By the grace of God, it is quiet in our region, although there is a constant threat of rocket attacks, so from time to time we hear air raid sirens. To the surprise of the whole world, we ourselves are surprised and rejoice that the Lord protects Ukraine and the plans of the enemy are being destroyed. The occupiers did not manage to capture Kyiv and the northern part of the country, and this gives us the opportunity to live in freedom, because my generation and the elders still remember well the Soviet times, when people were forbidden to visit the church and read the Word of God. And it is precisely this godless ideology that is promoted by the authorities in the occupied territories. So we still have freedom, and accordingly the opportunity to freely bring the Gospel to people. Although this time is difficult, it is valuable in its own way, and there is a special value in the fact that people are looking for the Lord. I will share a few stories about how I saw it during these months.
At the beginning of the war, I prayed that we would not have to be refugees and so that we are ready to receive those who flee from military actions, and so the Lord answered. The first refugees arrived to us a few days after the beginning of the war. Some stayed, some went further abroad.
In our church building, two hotel rooms were prepared for receiving people, and we also prepared four more Sunday school classes and a library. Thus, we could receive 24 people for permanent residence. The kitchen was additionally equipped, a refrigerator and a washing machine were purchased, and thus the life of people in the church began, as they say 24/7, or as we said among ourselves, the camp began.
The people, who came to us were mostly non-believers, but staying in the House of Prayer, communication, and attending worship services sowed the Word of God in them. They could be with us at prayer meetings every day, and every Friday we had a joint dinner with them and talked about God.
Nadia came to us from [a Ukrainian village]. At one of the prayer meetings, she tearfully told us that her children and grandchildren were still under fire and we prayed together. After some time, the children evacuated and one of the daughters, whose name is Vika, came to us with her family and also began to attend worship services and our meetings. In three months, they learned to pray by themselves, began to read the Gospel, completed a simple course on studying the Bible, and began to testify that they came to know God here. Vika’s husband did not come all this time, but in the last days he came and in a personal conversation began to thank me and told me with admiration that his wife had changed and their family relations had improved and he himself began to be interested in God and His Word.
Another family of 8 people came to us. They stayed with us for only a week, but during this time they became interested in Christian literature and asked many questions. One day they asked if I could say a prayer for their mother, who had already died several years ago. It was a surprise to me, because as evangelical believers we do not pray for the dead, but the Lord gave me an idea based on their request to talk to them about eternity. After this conversation, the two women prayed a prayer, where they asked the Lord to forgive their sins and that He would give them eternal life. The people, who lived with us and then returned home, were all grateful for the hospitality and that they got to know the church and the Word of God. During these months, the Lord gave us the opportunity to find food, clothing and a good word for them.
At the same time, God also worked in the people of our area. A young Roma man came to the worship service. At the same meeting he repented and now attends church every Sunday, left his sins, began to study the Bible and invite all his relatives to the services, as well as invites us to his village to hold meetings there. At the Easter meeting in our church, four more Roma men came out and prayed a prayer of repentance. Now they invite someone to come and teach them
For me, this is a joy on the one hand and a sadness on the other, because I understand that in order to truly help them to know God, it is necessary to form a church in this village and live with them, because the Roma people need to be taught sometimes even to read, write and how to run a household. And the sadness is that before the war we had a young man, Vlad, who had been preparing to be a missionary in this village, but he was drafted into the army and is now on the front lines. Therefore, I ask you to pray for his return alive, so that we can continue our work in this village and other villages around. Also, please, pray for the other three brothers from our church, who are also in the armed forces and are in danger every day.
A few more words of joy and gratitude for prayers. My girls are growing up and growing spiritually as well. The middle daughter, Sofia, was baptized last year, and this year she is already helping her friend preparing for baptism as a mentor. The older Veronika and the younger Daryna are also actively involved in the youth ministry and are preparing for baptism. And the youngest, Christina, constantly prays and asks the Lord to give her faith like that of the apostles.
Thank you very much for your prayers, spiritual and material support. It has always been valuable for us, and now especially, at a time when there is a real war in the country, prices for products and services are rising, and we also need to share with others.
May God richly bless you and keep peace in your hearts and your country!
With love and prayers for you,
In a time of great uncertainty, God is bringing help, healing, and hope to the people of Ukraine through SGA-supported pastors, churches, a seminary, and SGA-sponsored Compassion Ministry. Be a part of God’s incredible work with your generosity and prayer support.
Your gift of compassion helps struggling people with emergency aid that generally includes Scripture materials, food, medicine, warm clothing, and shoes.
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