Here is a report from SGA-supported Pastor Klimchik, whose congregation is reaching people in an occupied area in Ukraine. A growing number of widows in this brutal war have no hope to obtain needed food without assistance through the churches we serve. Praise God He is making a way!
… learn to do good; seek justice, correct oppression; bring justice to the fatherless, plead the widow’s cause (Isaiah 1:17).
The locations where we served are post-war areas. We carry out humanitarian mission trips to such location to deliver aid to the needy, to encourage local believers and to preach the Gospel of Christ to the lost.
We are grateful for your financial support and participation in such a godly cause!
Dear brothers,
We are grateful for the provided food assistance for widows, like us. May God bless you and keep you! May He reward you for the works of your hands!
Sisters in Christ,
Valentina, Polina, Olga, Olga, Valentina
Dear brothers and sisters,
Praise be to our Lord Christ Jesus! I am grateful to our Lord for providing through you in this difficult time. However, we know that we go through these trials and sorrows in the name of Christ! Thank you for your help, your care about our church Path to the Light! Thank you for your prayers, as the Lord gives us strength to pray along with all Christians.
Sister in Christ,
My hearty thanks are to all brothers and sisters in Christ!
Thank you for your care, kind hearts, for physical and spiritual support!
May the Lord bless you!
Galina, your sister in Christ
Dear brothers,
Thank you for the financial resources you donate for supporting our widows. Owing to these funds, we were able to build food packages made of 10 groceries items. We distributed these packages to the widows in [three villages]. All of these widowed sisters have a particularly acute need of aid.
The widows [from two of the villages] asked me to pass on their thanks to all of you. One of the widows was very happy to get a pack of flour in a package, as she especially needed it; others were waiting for their pension to buy sugar and cereals, while the Lord blessed them through you with both sugar and cereals.
In [another village], we were looking to bless with aid those widows who needed help the most. One of them widowed three days ago; our attention to her in a difficult moment disposed her heart to communicate, and God provided us an opportunity to talk about our Savior.
We also gave food packages to two widows in [another village] whose houses were destroyed and they were forced to move in other people’s apartments [elsewhere].
Thank you, brothers, for your diligence and generosity that you show to our people, who go through hard life circumstances! Through such good deeds, people open their hearts to hearing the Gospel of Jesus Christ and accepting Him as Savior.
And God is able to bless you abundantly, so that in all things at all times, having all that you need, you will abound in every good work (2 Cor.9:8)
With prayers about you and appreciation,
In a time of great uncertainty, God is bringing help, healing, and hope to the people of Ukraine through SGA-supported pastors, churches, a seminary, and SGA-sponsored Compassion Ministry. Be a part of God’s incredible work with your generosity and prayer support.
Your gift of compassion helps struggling people with emergency aid that generally includes Scripture materials, food, medicine, warm clothing, and shoes.