230927 Sga 2023 Sga.org Stories 9 13 Social Post 1 Wordpress Preview 460x460 V1
Nov 02, 2023
Editor’s Note: The images below were provided by an SGA-supported church.

Pastor Ivan and Olexandr share their report about the connection through which the Gospel is going out to many. “Our priority in this is to share the Gospel! People are invited to make the most important decision in their lives to repent of their sins.” Even though there are many challenges, these churches are steadfastly reaching out to share God’s Word.

We greet you, dear friends, brothers and sisters!

Dear workers of Slavic Gospel Association! Thank you for the food aid we’ve received from you!
By God’s grace, we continue to invite people to our church, where we talk with them, read to them from the Word of God, and pray for them. Our team holds regular evangelistic services for these people twice a month. At the end of the service, we distribute food packages to them. About 250 to 300 people come to these services every month.

Many internally displaced persons (IDPs) and poor people come, along with the disabled and many elderly people.
Our priority in this is to share the Gospel! People are invited to make the most important decision in their lives to repent their sins.

The following thoughts and comments can be made about these people: there are many who really need help. People today, in these difficult times for our country, are in need of both material help and, especially, spiritual help. But while they all understand the first aspect well, they are not very willing to accept the second, that they need to resolve their issues with God. Although in conversations with them after the service, many of them say they will change their priorities towards God, promising to come to worship the next day. But then comes the one (devil) who steals the seed of God that has been sown and steals it from people’s hearts. We believe that the work that we and you have done is not in vain. God works with their hearts, He changes their minds to His Word, to the church of Christ.

Thank you for your cooperation in God’s field. Thank you for your efforts and concern!


Peace be with you, dear brothers and sisters. We are sincerely grateful to SGA for your perseverance in a good mission. Thank you for your support and prayers. This aid that we received, we immediately send it to those churches, to those communities that need help the most.  May the name of our Lord be glorified through this ministry to our people! Thank you!


The Central Baptist Church of Odessa is sincerely grateful to SGA for not forgetting about us. The war continues and people are in constant need of daily bread. Behind me you can see the long line of people who came to receive food aid. 

In a time of great uncertainty, God is bringing help, healing, and hope to the people of Ukraine through SGA-supported pastors, churches, a seminary, and SGA-supported Compassion Ministry. Be a part of God’s incredible work with your generosity and prayer support.  

Your gift of compassion helps struggling people with emergency aid that generally includes Scripture materials, food, medicine, warm clothing, and shoes.

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