230911 Sga Ukraine War Stories 9 5 Social Post 3 Wordpress Preview 460x460 V1
Editor’s Note: The reports, video and images below were provided by an SGA-supported pastor in Ukraine.

Here is another report of gratitude and good news of all that the Lord is doing from an SGA-supported church in Ukraine. As SGA-supported Pastor Volodymyr says: “May His Name be glorified through all we do!” Read more . . .

Greetings in the Name of the Lord!

Since the beginning of the full-scale invasion of our country, I have been ministering among IDPs [internally displaced persons] in several villages of [our] region.

We receive a lot of great words of gratitude and kind feedback from people who have lost almost everything and who have moved to our region from many different places, as with your food aid we can serve all these people. 

On my behalf, I would like to sincerely thank SGA and the brothers and sisters who organize this invaluable support to people. This way we have constant contact with all these people, share the Word of God with them, communicate with them, pray for them and with them, and help them in any way we can!

God’s blessings to you all!


P.S. We’ve had an evangelistic meeting recently in one of the villages in [our] region. Many people and IDPs came to hear the Word of God and to listen Christian songs we sang. After the meeting, we could talk to many of them, answer their questions, pray for them, and distribute the food aid we’ve received from SGA and its supporters. Thankful to everyone for your love, care and your participation in all this. May His Name be glorified through all we do!

Some stories from the people:

Reaching Displaced Ukrainians With Food Aid And Spiritual Food 3

Family from the Kherson region

My name is Natasha, and we came from the Kherson region. We like it here very much. It’s quiet and peaceful here. Not like it was in Kherson, when we were shaking from every explosion and didn’t know where to run and where to hide. The nature is beautiful here, and the people are wonderful, friendly and hospitable. Everyone tries to help us and support us as much as they can. We are grateful to all of you for your help with food. It is very important for us now. This is our whole family, and thank God we are here and all together.

At the moment we do not need anything, we have everything. If only we could ask for bedding sets, because we don’t have enough of that. We have everything else, thanks to good people. 
We came here on Easter and remember when we were treated with Easter sweet bread in the church. There are very nice, kind people here in the Christian church. 

We like the church services very much. We have learned a lot of interesting things about God that we never knew before, unfortunately! We are grateful to everyone who helps and supports us! 

Reaching Displaced Ukrainians With Food Aid And Spiritual Food 4

Family from the Kherson region

My name is Lyudmila. I came with my children from the Kherson region a year ago. And my parents also came here at the end of last winter. My mom is very sick and needs treatment, she needs medicine. My mom had a stroke, so we have to treat the consequences. 

Thanks to the kind people here, we live in this house for free and the landlady even pays for our utilities. We are thankful to God for such good people!

We don’t have gas here, we buy firewood for heating. Now we are preparing firewood for the fall and winter. 

The food aid that we receive is a huge support for us and we are immensely grateful to all the caring and generous people who care about us IDPs and our families. After all, we now have to spend money on medicines for treatment and on our children. And at this time, kind people are supporting us with food! This is an incredible help! It is very difficult for us to find a job here. It’s hard for my father to stay at home, because he loves to work physically, but there is nothing to offer him here. Therefore, we are sincerely grateful for your kind, open hearts to us, for these wonderful products and hygiene products! 

We would only ask you to help us with some medicine for our mother. This is a priority request. My mother was in the hospital for some time and was receiving treatment there. Now she is with us, so we have to treat her ourselves, but we do not have the money to do so.

We do not want to go back home to the Kherson region. We really like it here. Maybe we will go there to visit some day and see our relatives who are still there. It is not peaceful there even today. We get calls, letters, and people tell us that many people are dead because they were killed by [invaders].  

Reaching Displaced Ukrainians With Food Aid And Spiritual Food 2

An IDP woman

I am very happy and grateful to all of you for this wonderful opportunity to invite us to such a wonderful event where you read God’s Word and sing Christian songs so beautifully. It is incredibly beautiful and memorable. These wonderful voices, who sing a gift from God. People like me, we lost everything during the war, and we are starting our new life in this region, so when we come to such beautiful meetings, we realize that it is such a great grace to see and hear the Word of God and such beautiful singing. Therefore, I am grateful to you all for the organization, for the food aid. To be honest, I come here not so much for the food as to hear the Word of God from you. Thank you very much and come back often! We are always happy to see and to listen to you!

Reaching Displaced Ukrainians With Food Aid And Spiritual Food 1

An IDP girl

I really like this event and the singing of your group. I even recorded it on my phone so I can always listen to it. I will also post it on Instagram so that my friends can listen to this beautiful music, this Christian singing. I took a lot from what I heard when you shared the Word of God. I have a lot of thoughts now, a lot to think about. So, I am grateful to you for the spiritual food! Such events are very necessary for us, they encourage us, give us strength to live. I feel better morally and spiritually after such meetings. Thank you for everything! 

In a time of great uncertainty, God is bringing help, healing, and hope to the people of Ukraine through SGA-supported pastors, churches, a seminary, and SGA-supported Compassion Ministry. Be a part of God’s incredible work with your generosity and prayer support.  

Your gift of compassion helps struggling people with emergency aid that generally includes Scripture materials, food, medicine, warm clothing, and shoes.

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